Resident Evil 4 remake trophy list - How to get platinum

Leon S. Kennedy looking up at a helicopter in Resident Evil 4 remake

Leon S. Kennedy looking up at a helicopter in Resident Evil 4 remake
March 28, 2023: Picked up Resident Evil 4 over the weekend? Check out the Resident Evil 4 remake trophy list below to work towards 100% completion!

The Resident Evil 4 remake trophy list is crucial knowledge for completionists looking to get the most out of this new horror game. Everyone knows that Resident Evil games tend to have some challenging achievements, and this latest remake is no exception.

In this guide, we'll break down all the trophies available in the new Resident Evil 4 remake. It's very different to the trophies added in the original game's HD remaster, so trophy hunters will have their work cut out.

For more on the game, you're in the right place. Read up on whether you should save the dog in Resident Evil 4 remake, as well as whether fan-favourite Albert Wesker appears. Lastly, you can see whether the Ada Wong Separate Ways side content is included.

Resident Evil 4 remake trophy list

Trophy name
Cuz Boredom Kills Me
Obtain all trophies
Knife Basics
Parry an enemy with a knife
My Preferred Piece
Upgrade a weapon
A Masterpiece
Get the exclusive upgrade for a weapon
Nice One, Stranger!
Complete a request for the Merchant
Talk About Near-Death Experience!
Rescue Ashley as she's being carried away by the enemy
Revolt Against the Revolting
Destroy a Clockwork Castellan
Harpoon Hurler
Defeat Del Lago
Grilled Big Cheese
Defeat Bitores Méndez
Wave Goodbye, Right Hand
Defeat the Verdugo
No Thanks, Bro!
Defeat Ramón Salazar
You Used to Be a Good Guy
Defeat Jack Krauser
You're Small Time!
Defeat Osmund Saddler
Shield Your Eyes
Defeat 3 enemies at once with a flash grenade
Never Heard It Coming
Defeat a Garrador using only knives
Two Bugs, One Stone
Kill 2 parasites inside a Regenerador with a single bullet
You Talk Too Much!
Throw a grenade into Ramón Salazar's mouth
Use a cannon to defeat a zealot
Hope You Like Thrill Rides!
Make it through both minecart sections in the underground tunnel without taking any damage
Capacity Compliance
Reach the top of the clock tower without the lift stopping once
Smooth Escape
Escape on the water scooter without taking any damage
Astute Appraiser
Sell a single treasure for at least 100,000 ptas
Obtain all treasures indicated on the village treasure map in a single playthrough
Obtain all treasures indicated on the raider treasure map in a single playthrough
Obtain all treasures indicated on the island treasure map in a single playthrough
Gun Fanatic
Obtain all weapons
Jack of All Trades
Complete all requests from the Merchant
Revolution Wind-Up
Destroy all Clockwork Castellans
Promising Agent
Complete the main story on Standard mode or higher
Mission Accomplished S+
Complete the main story on Standard mode with an S+ rank
Proficient Agent
Complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher
S+ Rank Investigator
Complete the main story on Hardcore mode with an S+ rank
Peerless Agent
Complete the main story on Professional mode
Complete the main story within 8 hours
Complete the main story without using a recovery item
Complete the main story using only knives and handguns (Excluding specific battles)
Silent Stranger
Complete the main story without taking to the Merchant once
Amateur Shooter
Complete a game at the shooting range
Real Deadeye
Earn an S rank in all games at the shooting range
Trick Shot
Shoot through and destroy 5 targets at the shooting range with a single shot

See the list above for the full Resident Evil 4 remake trophy list. There are 40 in total, which is a massive increase on the original game's re-releases, which mostly added story-based and collectible-focused achievements to hunt down.

This time around, the Resident Evil 4 remake trophies are more in line with other contemporary Resident Evil games. You've got the usual knife-only runs and speedrun requirements, as well as plenty of classic trophies focused on upgrading weapons and collecting treasures.

Therefore, if you're gunning for 100% completion in Resident Evil 4 remake, you'll need at least four or five total playthroughs, considering the various difficulties you'll need to beat the game on.

A dark hallway in the castle of Resident Evil 4 remake
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How do I get the platinum trophy or full Gamerscore in Resident Evil 4 remake?

As with all other games that add trophies and achievements, getting the platinum or the coveted 1,000 Gamerscore is no easy feat. In both cases, you'll have to get each and every achievement on the list above. It's no walk in the park, and will easily take more than 50 hours to attain.

Given just how many times you'll have to replay Leon S. Kennedy's classic adventure, strap in for plenty of gameplay.

That's it for our look at the Resident Evil 4 remake trophy list! For even more on the game, feel free to check out the best weapons, as well as our guide to the Saddler boss fight.