With the release of the first-ever Pokemon expansion pack next month, the Isle of Armor, a lot of trainers are wondering what Pokemon they are going to add to their teams.
It's important to get the right nature for your Pokemon to get the best possible team as some can significantly weaken your Pokemon.
Luckily, there is a handy way to change the nature of your Pokemon - here's how to do it!
After the conclusion of the main storyline of Pokemon Sword and Shield, you will gain access to the Battle Tower. If you haven't experienced it, this is a gauntlet of trainers that you will be able to take on and earn rewards by doing so.
With all of the tokens you obtain from defeating trainers at the Battle Tower, you can head down to the store and purchase some items.
One of these items is called "Mints" and they are going to be the core component in regards to changing your Pokemon's nature.

There is a wide array of Mints that you can purchase at the Wyndon Battle Point shop and they all have different effects on your Pokemon.
Check out the full list of Mints and what they do for your Pokemon, courtesy of Dexerto!
- Adamant Mint – Increases Attack, Decreases Special Attack
- Bold Mint – Increases Defense, Decreases Attack
- Brave Mint – Increases Attack, Decreases Speed
- Calm Mint – Increases Special Defense, Decreases Attack
- Careful Mint – Increases Special Defense, Decreases Special Attack
- Gentle Mint – Increases Special Defense, Decreases Defense
- Hasty Mint – Increases Speed, Decreases Defense
- Impish Mint – Increases Defense, Decreases Special Attack
- Jolly Mint – Increases Speed, Decreases Special Attack
- Lax Mint – Increases Defense, Decreases Special Defense
- Lonely Mint – Increases Attack, Decreases Defense
- Mild Mint – Increases Special Attack, Decreases Defense
- Modest Mint – Increases Special Attack, Decreases Attack
- Naive Mint – Increases Speed, Decreases Special Defense
- Naughty Mint – Increases Attack, Decreases Special Defense
- Quiet Mint – Increases Special Attack, Decreases Speed
- Rash Mint – Increases Special Attack, Decreases Special Defense
- Relaxed Mint – Increases Defense, Decreases Speed
- Sassy Mint – Increases Special Defense, Decreases Speed
- Serious Mint – All stats increase at the same rate
- Timid Mint – Increases Speed, Decreases Attack
Besides breeding Pokemon until you stumble across the nature you are looking for, this is the only other way to change your Pokemon's nature!
To find out your Pokemon's nature open up the main menu and select the Pokemon you want to check, click the pencil icon and there you will find its nature.