In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, there are over 400+ Pokémon for you to encounter and catch after unlocking the National Pokédex. Every individual Pokémon will have its own nature, and this can determine a few things about its stats... and taste in Poffins.
In this guide, we explain what Pokémon natures mean for you and your Pokémon, how to check natures, and what Poffins each nature likes.
Read More: Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl: Best Party for the Story
What Are Pokémon Natures

In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, all Pokémon will have their own individual nature. Their nature is more than just a personality trait, and will determine how they are in battle, as well as which Poffins will be most effective on them.
When it comes to natures and stats, some natures will have no effect. However, most natures will impact two stats, decreasing one by 10% and increasing another by 10%. Below, we have featured a chart listing all natures and their effects on Pokémon stats:
Nature | Stats Increased by 10% | Stats Decreased by 10% |
Brave | Attack | Speed |
Bold | Defense | Attack |
Lonely | Attack | Defense |
Lax | Defense | Sp. Defense |
Adamant | Attack | Sp. Attack |
Impish | Defense | Sp. Attack |
Relaxed | Defense | Speed |
Mild | Sp. Attack | Defense |
Modest | Sp. Attack | Attack |
Quiet | Sp. Attack | Speed |
Calm | Sp. Defense | Attack |
Gentle | Sp. Defense | Defense |
Careful | Sp. Defense | Sp, Attack |
Timid | Speed | Attack |
Rash | Sp. Attack | Sp. Defense |
Hasty | Speed | Defense |
Naive | Speed | Sp. Defense |
Jolly | Speed | Sp. Attack |
Serious | N/A | N/A |
Hardy | N/A | N/A |
Quirky | N/A | N/A |
Docile | N/A | N/A |
Bashful | N/A | N/A |
How To Check A Pokémon's Nature

To check the nature of one of your Pokémon in Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl, simply select 'Pokémon' from your menu. Navigate to the Pokémon you're curious about and view their summary. The second tab will be the Trainer Memo tab shown above, and here, you can see the nature of the selected Pokémon.
Natures and Poffins

When it comes to feeding your Pokémon some Poffins and participating in Super Contest Shows, their nature determines their liked and disliked flavours. Feeding a Pokémon a Poffin they dislike will not be as impactful as if you feed them one that they like!
So, below, we have listed another table of all Pokémon natures alongside the flavours that they like and dislike. Using this, you can exclusively feed your Pokémon their liked flavours of Poffins to max out whichever category you require.
Nature | Liked | Disliked |
Brave | Spicy | Sweet |
Bold | Sour | Spicy |
Lonely | Spicy | Sour |
Lax | Sour | Bitter |
Adamant | Spicy | Dry |
Impish | Sour | Dry |
Relaxed | Sour | Sweet |
Mild | Dry | Sour |
Modest | Dry | Spicy |
Quiet | Dry | Sweet |
Calm | Bitter | Spicy |
Gentle | Bitter | Sour |
Careful | Bitter | Dry |
Timid | Sweet | Spicy |
Rash | Dry | Bitter |
Hasty | Sweet | Sour |
Naive | Sweet | Bitter |
Jolly | Sweet | Dry |
Serious | N/A | N/A |
Hardy | N/A | N/A |
Quirky | N/A | N/A |
Docile | N/A | N/A |
Bashful | N/A | N/A |
That's all you need to know about Pokémon natures in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Determining which nature is best is up to you, but it's primarily based upon whether the selected Pokémon is a physical or special attacker. You can go ahead and catch another of that Pokémon, or perform a soft reset, if they're not of the nature you would like!
For more things to do around Sinnoh, check out our guide on how to catch shiny Pokémon, our evolution guide, and our breeding guide to try to get your hands on your favourite Pokémon but with the best stats.