Pokémon Legends: Arceus is the latest instalment in the Pokémon series with a brand-new Pokédex to boot, and with many eager to learn more about the game and how different it may be from that of prior titles. The distinct lack of gyms and adjustments to battling are just a few changes we can expect to see in the ancient region of Hisui, beyond how the Pokédex may function differently.
With this in mind, what Pokémon should we expect to see? We can certainly expect a lot of new Pokémon, altogether or as Hisuian forms, and we've put together this guide to prepare you for filling your Pokédex. In this guide, we've tracked down all Pokémon in Legends: Arceus (and their evolutions) and put together a Pokédex list to help with your adventure.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Hisuian Pokédex List
In Pokémon Arceus: Legends, there is a vast mix of Pokémon from different Generations. We can certainly expect to not see all 893 of them, but there are 242 different Pokémon around Hisui.
We have listed every Pokémon that you can expect to see in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, alongside their number in the Hisui Dex, and their type.
Hisui Pokedex | Pokemon | Type |
1 | Rowlet | Grass/Flying |
2 | Dartrix | Grass/Flying |
3 | Decidueye | Grass/Fighting |
4 | Cyndaquil | Fire |
5 | Quilava | Fire |
6 | Typhlosion | Fire/Ghost |
7 | Oshawott | Water |
8 | Dewott | Water |
9 | Samurott | Water/Dark |
10 | Bidoof | Normal |
11 | Bibarel | Normal/Water |
12 | Starly | Normal/Flying |
13 | Staravia | Normal/Flying |
14 | Staraptor | Normal/Flying |
15 | Shinx | Electric |
16 | Luxio | Electric |
17 | Luxray | Electric |
18 | Wurmple | Bug |
19 | Silcoon | Bug |
20 | Beautifly | Bug/Flying |
21 | Cascoon | Bug |
22 | Dustox | Bug/Poison |
23 | Ponyta | Fire |
24 | Rapidash | Fire |
25 | Eevee | Normal |
26 | Vaporeon | Water |
27 | Jolteon | Electric |
28 | Flareon | Fire |
29 | Espeon | Psychic |
30 | Umbreon | Dark |
31 | Leafeon | Grass |
32 | Glaceon | Ice |
33 | Sylveon | Fairy |
34 | Zubat | Poison/Flying |
35 | Golbat | Poison/Flying |
36 | Crobat | Poison/Flying |
37 | Drifloon | Ghost/Flying |
38 | Drifblim | Ghost/Flying |
39 | Kricketot | Bug |
40 | Kricketune | Bug |
41 | Buizel | Water |
42 | Floatzel | Water |
43 | Burmy | Bug |
44 | Wormadam | Bug/Grass |
45 | Mothim | Bug/Flying |
46 | Geodude | Rock/Ground |
47 | Graveler | Rock/Ground |
48 | Golem | Rock/Ground |
49 | Stantler | Normal |
50 | Wyrdeer | Normal/Psychic |
51 | Munchlax | Normal |
52 | Snorlax | Normal |
53 | Paras | Bug/Grass |
54 | Parasect | Bug/Grass |
55 | Pichu | Electric |
56 | Pikachu | Electric |
57 | Raichu | Electric |
58 | Abra | Psychic |
59 | Kadabra | Psychic |
60 | Alakazam | Psychic |
61 | Chimchar | Fire |
62 | Monferno | Fire/Fighting |
63 | Infernape | Fire/Fighting |
64 | Buneary | Normal |
65 | Lopunny | Normal |
66 | Cherubi | Grass |
67 | Cherrim | Grass |
68 | Psyduck | Water |
69 | Golduck | Water |
70 | Combee | Bug/Flying |
71 | Vespiquen | Bug/Flying |
72 | Scyther | Bug/Flying |
73 | Scizor | Bug/Steel |
74 | Kleavor | Bug/Rock |
75 | Heracross | Bug/Fighting |
76 | Mime Jr. | Psychic/Fairy |
77 | Mr. Mime | Psychic/Fairy |
78 | Aipom | Normal |
79 | Ambipom | Normal |
80 | Magikarp | Water |
81 | Gyarados | Water/Flying |
82 | Shellos | Water |
83 | Gastrodon | Water/Ground |
84 | Qwilfish | Dark/Poison |
85 | Overqwil | Dark/Poison |
86 | Happiny | Normal |
87 | Chansey | Normal |
88 | Blissey | Normal |
89 | Budew | Grass/Poison |
90 | Roselia | Grass/Poison |
91 | Roserade | Grass/Poison |
92 | Carnivine | Grass |
93 | Petilil | Grass |
94 | Lilligant | Grass/Fighting |
95 | Tangela | Grass |
96 | Tangrowth | Grass |
97 | Barboach | Water/Ground |
98 | Whiscash | Water/Ground |
99 | Croagunk | Poison/Fighting |
100 | Toxicroak | Poison/Fighting |
101 | Ralts | Psychic/Fairy |
102 | Kirlia | Psychic/Fairy |
103 | Gardevoir | Psychic/Fairy |
104 | Gallade | Psychic/Fairy |
105 | Yanma | Bug/Flying |
106 | Yanmega | Bug/Flying |
107 | Hippopotas | Ground |
108 | Hippowdon | Ground |
109 | Pachirisu | Electric |
110 | Stunky | Poison/Dark |
111 | Skuntank | Poison/Dark |
112 | Teddiursa | Normal |
113 | Ursaring | Normal |
114 | Ursaluna | Normal/Ground |
115 | Goomy | Dragon |
116 | Sliggoo | Dragon/Steel |
117 | Goodra | Dragon/Steel |
118 | Onix | Rock/Ground |
119 | Steelix | Steel/Ground |
120 | Rhyhorn | Rock/Ground |
121 | Rhydon | Rock/Ground |
122 | Rhyperior | Rock/Ground |
123 | Bonsly | Rock |
124 | Sudowoodo | Rock |
125 | Lickitung | Normal |
126 | Lickilicky | Normal |
127 | Togepi | Fairy |
128 | Togetic | Fairy/Flying |
129 | Togekiss | Fairy/Flying |
130 | Turtwig | Grass |
131 | Grotle | Grass |
132 | Torterra | Grass/Ground |
133 | Porygon | Normal |
134 | Porygon2 | Normal |
135 | Porygon-Z | Normal |
136 | Gastly | Ghost/Poison |
137 | Haunter | Ghost/Poison |
138 | Gengar | Ghost/Poison |
139 | Spiritomb | Ghost/Dark |
140 | Murkrow | Dark/Flying |
141 | Honchkrow | Dark/Flying |
142 | Unown | Psychic |
143 | Spheal | Ice/Water |
144 | Sealeo | Ice/Water |
145 | Walrein | Ice/Water |
146 | Remoraid | Water |
147 | Octillery | Water |
148 | Skorupi | Poison/Bug |
149 | Drapion | Poison/Dark |
150 | Growlithe | Fire/Rock |
151 | Arcanine | Fire/Rock |
152 | Glameow | Normal |
153 | Purugly | Normal |
154 | Machop | Fighting |
155 | Machoke | Fighting |
156 | Machamp | Fighting |
157 | Chatot | Normal/Flying |
158 | Duskull | Ghost |
159 | Dusclops | Ghost |
160 | Dusknoir | Ghost |
161 | Piplup | Water |
162 | Prinplup | Water |
163 | Empoleon | Water/Steel |
164 | Mantyke | Water/Flying |
165 | Mantine | Water/Flying |
166 | Basculin | Water |
167 | Basculegion | Water/Ghost |
168 | Vulpix | Fire |
169 | Ninetales | Fire |
170 | Tentacool | Water |
171 | Tentacruel | Water/Poison |
172 | Finneon | Water |
173 | Lumineon | Water |
174 | Magby | Fire |
175 | Magmar | Fire |
176 | Magmortar | Fire |
177 | Magnemite | Electric/Steel |
178 | Magneton | Electric/Steel |
179 | Magnezone | Electric/Steel |
180 | Bronzor | Steel/Psychic |
181 | Bronzong | Steel/Psychic |
182 | Elekid | Electric |
183 | Electabuzz | Electric |
184 | Electivire | Electric |
185 | Gligar | Ground/Flying |
186 | Gliscor | Ground/Flying |
187 | Gible | Dragon/Ground |
188 | Gabite | Dragon/Ground |
189 | Garchomp | Dragon/Ground |
190 | Nosepass | Rock |
191 | Probopass | Rock/Steel |
192 | Voltorb | Electric/Grass |
193 | Electrode | Electric/Grass |
194 | Rotom | Electric/Ghost |
195 | Chingling | Psychic |
196 | Chimecho | Psychic |
197 | Misdreavus | Ghost |
198 | Mismagius | Ghost |
199 | Cleffa | Fairy |
200 | Clefairy | Fairy |
201 | Clefable | Fairy |
202 | Sneasel | Poison/Fighting |
203 | Sneasler | Poison/Fighting |
204 | Weavile | Dark/Ice |
205 | Snorunt | Ice |
206 | Glalie | Ice |
207 | Froslass | Ice/Ghost |
208 | Cranidos | Rock |
209 | Rampardos | Rock |
210 | Shieldon | Rock |
211 | Bastiodon | Rock/Steel |
212 | Swinub | Ice/Ground |
213 | Piloswine | Ice/Ground |
214 | Mamoswine | Ice/Ground |
215 | Bergmite | Ice/ |
216 | Avalugg | Ice/Rock |
217 | Snover | Grass/Ice |
218 | Abomasnow | Grass/Ice |
219 | Zorua | Normal/Ghost |
220 | Zoroark | Normal/Ghost |
221 | Rufflet | Normal/Flying |
222 | Braviary | Psychic/Flying |
223 | Riolu | Fighting |
224 | Lucario | Fighting/Steek |
225 | Uxie | Psychic |
226 | Mesprit | Psychic |
227 | Azelf | Psychic |
228 | Heatran | Fire/Steel |
229 | Regigigas | Normal |
230 | Cresselia | Psychic |
231 | Thundurus | Electric/Flying |
232 | Tornadus | Flying |
233 | Landorus | Ground/Flying |
234 | Enamorus | Fairy/Flying |
235 | Dialga | Steel/Dragon |
236 | Palkia | Water/Dragon |
237 | Giratina | Ghost/Dragon |
238 | Arceus | Normal |
239 | Phione | Water |
240 | Manaphy | Water |
241 | Shaymin | Grass |
242 | Darkrai | Dark |

That's all the Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus! Check out their evolutions in our guide, and don't forget to craft some Poké Balls, so you can catch 'em all.
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Hisuian Pokédex - All New Pokémon
There are a few brand-new Pokémon coming to Pokémon Legends: Arceus, including Hisuian forms, new rideable Pokémon, and some special evolutions we haven't seen before. Here's the list of what new Pokémon you'll be seeing:
- Hisuian Braviary
- Hisuian Growlithe
- Hisuian Zoroark
- Hisuian Zorua
- Hisuian Typhlosion
- Hisuian Samurott
- Hisuian Decidueye
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Hisuian Electrode
- Hisuian Sliggoo
- Hisuian Goodra
- Hisuian Sneasel
- Hisuian Sneasler
- Hisuian Qwilfish
- Hisuian Overqwil
- Hisuian Lilligant
- Basculegion
- Kleavor
- Wyrdeer
- Ursaluna
- Enamorus
We do a deep dive on all of these new Pokémon here.
We also share everything you need to know about Legends Arceus in our release guide, and you can prepare yourself for filling your Pokédex out further by taking a look at new Noble Pokémon, Alpha Pokémon, and how to use Base Camps!