Stunning enemies in Path of Exile 2 can help you control how combat goes.
When you know how to use stuns, you can stop mobs and knock down bosses to catch your breath.
If you want to get the most out of this mechanic, this guide covers everything you need to know about stunning and how to do it like a pro.
How To Stun Enemies
Stunning is a solid trick that can temporarily remove the enemy from the game and leave them open to attack.

The game throws two stuns at you, each for a different use.
Regular Stun
A regular stun momentarily interrupts an enemy’s current action, causing them to stagger briefly.
It works well on weaker enemies and gives you a quick chance to act without worrying about getting hit back.
This stun depends on your accuracy and whether the enemy can dodge your attacks.
Heavy Stun
Heavy Stun is built to stop tough enemies like bosses and elites in their tracks.
Every time you land a hit, the enemy's Heavy Stun yellow bar (below their health) fills up.
When the bar fills up, the enemy gets knocked down and stays out for a few seconds. This helps you dish out a lot of damage without any breaks.

Both stuns are based on the damage you deal, so focusing on your offense is the way to go.
Stunning is triggered whenever you hit an enemy with enough damage, especially physical damage.
The more damage you deal, the more effective you’ll be at stunning enemies.
Regular stuns happen based on how much damage you do compared to the target’s health, while Heavy Stun fills up the yellow meter as you keep dealing damage over time.
While most attacks can cause stuns, damage-over-time effects won’t add to the Heavy Stun meter.
Combining burst and sustained damage can make your overall stun strategy more effective. Some targets get stunned better than others.
Regular stuns work better on smaller enemies, while bosses and elites take more damage to build up their Heavy Stun meter.
Have you encountered any enemies that are tougher to stun than others?