Finding Renly's Tools in Path of Exile 2 can be tricky, mainly because the randomized maps make it harder to pinpoint the location.
If you’re having trouble finding the tools, here’s everything you need to know to track them down and complete the quest without hassle.
How To Find Renly's Tools
The first step is to progress through the Secrets in the Dark quest.

Once you finish the Rune Spikes and the main objective, head to Renly in Clearfell Encampment to unlock Finding the Forge.
He'll ask you to help him find his lost smithing tools. Next is Ogham Village; just head through Ogham Farmlands in Act 1.
Renly’s tools are in his workshop in Ogham Village, but the random map generation makes it tricky to find exactly where.
Head over to a ruined hut near the entrance, where a body is hanging from the rafters. This shows which wall to follow, either on the left or right.
Explore that way until you spot a small opening between two worn-down huts, usually near a checkpoint.
The workshop is typically close and hard to miss with its one-of-a-kind appearance.
It looks like a boss arena with burning debris and wreckage, even though there's no boss fight here.
If the workshop doesn’t show up immediately, it might be on the other side of the Executioner boss arena.
Usually, it spawns in either the southeast or northwest corners of the map.
Check the table or workbench inside the workshop for the tools marked as the quest item.
When you get to Renly’s workshop, make sure also to clear out any enemies nearby.
Once you pick them up, your objective will be to return them to Renly. Use a town portal or backtrack to Clearfell Encampment.
Catch up with Renly to hand over the tools and finish the quest. The Salvage Bench will be up and running in the camp, thanks to Renly.
The Salvage Bench lets you break down gear with Rune Sockets or special upgrades into materials like Blacksmith’s Whetstones, Armorer Scraps, and Artificer Shards.
You’ll need these to improve your weapons, armor, and other equipment. But don’t just salvage everything; some gear could be helpful later.
If you’re unsure, just stash those items instead of immediately breaking them down.
How long did it take you to find Renly’s Tools on your first attempt?