If you’re looking for Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds, you’re in for a lot of work. There’s over a thousand of the green glowing goodies scattered across the land. Gather enough of them, and you can turn them in for some rather good rewards, though again, it’ll take a long time to get the best ones.
This Lost Ark Mokoko Seeds guide explains where to find Mokoko Seeds and lists what you get for your hard work.
If you're looking for more help in Lost Ark, check out our guides for the game's card system, all the quests in the game, how to get gold, what the best class to pick is, and how to level it up fast.
What Are Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark?
Mokoko Seeds are one among many currency types in Lost Ark, but unlike Gold and Silver, you have to hunt them down. You’ll usually find Mokoko Seeds in dungeons, around area maps, or even in settlements. They’re large, green, and glowing, but only when you approach them. Otherwise, they're easy to overlook.
Hold the “G” key when you’re near a seed, and you’ll pick it up once the “interact” meter is full.
Mokoko Seeds are used only for trading with one particular merchant, and you can get some good and rare items after reaching certain milestones.

Mokoko Seed Locations
There are 1,200 Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark, scattered throughout the game’s many regions. The current version reportedly redesigned the dungeons and maps, which affected where the seeds are. We’re still working out where to find them and will update when we know more.
We can say that your best bet is checking around walls and the edges of paths, as that seems to be where most Mokoko Seeds are located.
What Are the Mokoko Seed Rewards?
Take your Seeds to Mokoko Village on Tortoyk Island and speak to Totoma. Here's what you'll get.
Reward | Seed Cost |
Totoma Card | 50 |
Kindness Potion | 100 |
Crew Application Form: Chicachica | 150 |
Vitality Increase Potion | 200 |
Crew Application Form: Cocorico | 250 |
Stat Increase Potion | 300 |
Mokamoka Card | 350 |
Paradise's Knight License | 400 |
15 Eurus Blueprints | 450 |
Crew Application Form | 500 |
3 Shy Wind Flower Pollen | 550 |
20 Eurus Blueprint | 600 |
Crew Application Form: Popoi | 650 |
Mokoko Hunter title | 700 |
Mokoko Seed Monument Structure | 750 |
Egg of Creation | 800 |
Crew Application Form: Kind Paruru | 850 |
Moki Toki Background | 900 |
Masterpiece 32 | 950 |
Blooming Caravel Ship Model | 1,000 |
Crew Application Form: Narinari | 1,050 |
Nice Smelling Title | 1,100 |
Masterpiece 44 | 1,150 |
Mokoko Charm | 1,200 |