Spoilers beware! The Gotham Knights Bruce Wayne boss is one of the most surprising twists in the game, as your former mentor, presumed dead, returns to take you down. Of course he's under a form of mind control, but your heroes will still need to take on Batman in combat!
In this Gotham Knights guide, we'll break down a few tips for the Bruce Wayne boss fight. It isn't the most difficult one in the game, but coming towards the very end of the main quest means it's no walk in the park. We'll also look at the rewards you get for defeating Bruce Wayne in combat.
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How do I defeat the Gotham Knights Bruce Wayne boss?
The Bruce Wayne boss fight is easily one of the biggest surprises in Gotham Knights. Coming at the end of Case File 8, you'll bump into Talia al-Ghul after learning that she's the game's big bad. From there she shares her secret weapon: a Lazarus Pit-infected Bruce Wayne, harnessing the power of the demon to do the League of Shadows' bidding.
- Read more: Our Gotham Knights Talia al-Ghul boss guide
It won't come as a surprise at this point, but it's up to you to get Bruce out of this trance and restore him to being Gotham's saviour. Fortunately, this is one of the easier boss fights in the game - and definitely more straightforward than the ensuing Talia al-Ghul boss battle.
Bruce Wayne boss strategy
The Gotham Knights Bruce Wayne boss fight only has one stage, with a big health bar you need to whittle down in combat. Luckily, he's an all-out brawler due to his brainwashing, which makes him a fairly easy adversary to deal with.
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His main attack is a four-hit combo where only the last one is unavoidable. However. he can also pop in and out of the battlefield using his Lazarus Pit abilities, meaning he can phase right behind you to land a killer blow. The good news is that you should go into this fight with seven health packs, making it easy to restore HP.
Once you whittle his HP down to 66%, the game prompts you to appeal to Bruce. Go up to him and hold the action button, and your hero of choice will plead for him to remember who he is. The first two times you do this it'll be fruitless, with Bruce throwing you aside and preparing for more combat.
Keep dodging his unavoidable attacks, and combining heavy melee hits with Momentum abilities to gradually burn through his health bar. Just remember not to walk into the Lazarus Pits across the arena, because they drain your health.
On your third attempt to rescue Bruce from his brainwashing, it'll actually work and he'll become an ally once more. At this point the boss fight ends, with Talia al-Ghul stepping forward for a climactic battle.

What are the rewards for defeating the Gotham Knights Bruce Wayne boss?
Unlike most other battles in Gotham Knights, you don't get any specific rewards for defeating the Bruce Wayne boss. Instead, a cutscene immediately follows the fight, leading straight into your confrontation with Talia.
That final battle does come with its own set of completion rewards, including a new suit, but you don't get any specific items or XP boost for defeating Bruce.
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There you have it: our look at the Bruce Wayne boss battle in Gotham Knights! For even more on the game, check out our Man-Bat boss guide, as well as a look at the game's single-player modes.