As new details surrounding the launch of Overwatch 2 continue to emerge, Blizzard is already making significant changes to various heroes within the game. Following confirmation of a closed beta on March 11, the developer has shared details on changes to Doomfist.
In the first Overwatch game, Doomfist featured in the Assault class, and in a bid to balance the pool of heroes, Doomfist has become a Tank.
During a recent broadcast, game director Aaron Keller confirmed the change alongside some additional changes that include a slight reduction in damage output.

Overwatch 2 Doomfist Class Change
During the broadcast, Keller compared the new playstyle for Doomfist to Winston. "He basically has a leap that's similar to a Winston leap." In addition to movement tweaks, Keller also shared that Doomfist is capable of escaping certain situations and is "more survivable" during matches.
With several fans wondering whether Doomfist could become overpowered, lead hero designer Geoff Goodman confirmed that the hero "does a lot less damage." Despite this, Goodman claims Doomfist is already overpowered in the closed alpha and "needs a nerf."
Read More: Overwatch 2 PvP Closed Beta Confirmed, Here's How To Sign Up
Overwatch 2 Release Date
Blizzard has yet to announce a definitive release date for Overwatch 2 but with a closed beta taking place in April, a 2022 release is still on the cards. With plenty of opportunities to fine-tune the game before it drops, Overwatch 2 could well surpass the successes of its predecessor.