As you prepare to play Elden Ring, you'll need to put some careful consideration into which of the ten classes you want to play as, and their which weapon you want to use. However, the levelling system in Elden Ring gives you some freedom of choice as long as you know where to put your points, so you needn't worry too much.
Additionally, weapons can be enhanced, and the new Ashes of War mechanic means extra abilities can be applied to weapons. You'll need to consider this, too, as you dive into Elden Ring and pick out which weapons you're going to use the most.
The network test gave us a glimpse of fifteen different weapons across thirteen categories, which is already a lot to choose from. In this guide, we share all of the weapons in Elden Ring and their stats. We'll update this page as and when we know more.
Weapon Requirements
Before we dive right into what weapons are available in Elden Ring, we figured it would be important to make note of the requirements first. As noted in the Elden Ring Wiki, every weapon in Elden Ring will have a stat requirement in order for a player to wield it efficiently. For example, a player will not be able to use a weapons skill if they do not meet the stat requirements for it.
With this in mind, players should choose their weapons accordingly and plan ahead, keeping scaling in mind. Scaling is how much damage is added to a weapon depending on having acquired a specific stat, such as strength, and some weapons will have more than one scaling stat.
Scaling is determined by the same letter system as the Souls titles, with 'S' being the best scaling available, being followed by 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', and 'E'. The higher the letter associated with your weapon, the more damage it will inflict upon enemies and bosses. When investing in a weapon, be sure to take note of scaling stats and put points into whichever one provides the most damage per attribute point.
Weapon Damage Types
Every weapon in Elden Ring will have one or more damage type. It is important to learn what damage types your weapon can inflict, as enemies will be weaker to some types more than others, and some may be resistant to certain types.
You can also change the damage types of your chosen weapon by utilising the Ashes of War mechanic at a Site of Grace. Go to a Site of Grace, open the Ashes of War menu, select your weapon, and from here you will be able to see which Ashes of War can be used on that weapon out of the ones you currently own.
A good example is that the Longsword will do Standard and Pierce Damage. If the Ash of War: Gravitas is added to the Longsword, Magic Damage will be added to the weapon on top of its other damage types, but it's scaling attributes will be changed. So, don't forget to keep an eye on this.

Elden Ring Weapon Types List
Here are all thirteen categories of weapon, and their corresponding weapons with stats, in Elden Ring that we know of so far.
The Reduvia is a dagger that scales with Strength and Dexterity. It is a good melee weapon and can be found in a chest inside of an underground cellar in the Dragon-Burnt Ruins.
Requirements: Strength 6, Dexterity 12, Faith 12
Damage Type: Slash/Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 71 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 130 |
Straight Swords
The Longsword is a Straight Sword that scales with Strength, and is good for melee players who like to have mobility during combat. It's a common sword to begin with, and will likely wante to be swapped for something better later in the game. The sword can be purchased from Merchant Kale for 300 Runes.
Requirements: Strength 10, Dexterity 10
Damage Type: Standard/Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 80 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Bastard Sword
The Bastard Sword is a Greatsword that scales with Strength and Dexterity. The sword is a viable weapon for melee users who want to perform hits that have longer-range. It is the starting weapon for the Bloody Wolf class, but can also be purchased from Merchant Kale for 500 Runes.
Requirements: Strength 14, Dexterity 9
Damage Type: Standard/Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 95 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Ordovis' Greatsword
As of the Network Beta Test, the Ordovis' Greatsword was one of the heaviest weapons. It scales with Strength and Dexterity, and much like the Bastard Sword, is good for achieving those longer-reaching hits. It can be looted from a guarded carriage in Limgrave.
Requirements: Strength 14, Dexterity 8
Damage Type: Standard/Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 100 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Curved Swords
The Scimitar is a Curved Sword that scales using Strength and Dexterity. They don't deal great amounts of damage so should be used with a shield capable of Parry. The Scimitar is the starting equipment for the Warrior class and can also be purchased from Merchant Kale for 300 Runes.
Requirements: Strength 8, Dexterity 12
Damage Type: Slash
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 77 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Dragonscale Blade
The Dragonscale Blade is a Katana that scales with Strength, Dexterity, Arcane, and Faith. While the weapon doesn't deal massive amounts of damage, players can perform quick attacks using it, and is good for countering enemies who like to dodge a lot. It can be found in Limgrave Tunnels after dropping from the Stonedigger Troll.
Requirements: Strength 11, Dexterity 11, Faith 9
Damage Type: Slash/Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 50 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 75 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Double-Edged Swords
The Twinblade is a Double-Edged Sword that scales with Strength and Dexterity. The weapon does not have great range, but players can use multiple quick attacks at once and perform fast, spinning slashes that target a larger AoE. It can be found in Groveside Cave in Limgrave.
Requirements: Strength 10, Dexterity 12
Damage Type: Standard/Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 80 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |

The Club is a Hammer that scales with Strength. It's a very basic weapon and is only recommended for beginners who need to face an enemy that is weak to bludgeoning. The Club is also the starting weapon for Prophet, or can be purchased from Merchant Kale for 300 Runes.
Requirements: Strength 10
Damage Type: Strike
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 65 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Battle Axe
The Battle Axe is an Axe that scales with Strength and Dexterity, and is good for melee users who want to do a lot of damage with each swing of their weapon. It is the starting equipment for the Champion class, or can be purchased from Merchant Kale for 400 Runes.
Requirements: Strength 12, Dexterity 8
Damage Type: Standard
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 88 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Winged Spear
The Winged Spear is a Spear that scales using Strength and Dexterity. It is a good melee weapon for performing attacks with a longer reach. The Winged Spear is the starting equipment for the Enchanted Knight Class.
Requirements: Strength 10, Dexterity 10
Damage Type: Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 78 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Great Spears
The Lance is a Great Spear that scales with Strength and Dexterity. Like the Winged Spear, it's a good weapon for those who want to perform attacks with a longer-reach. In the Network Beta Test, the Lance was the weapon capable of dealing the most damage, and it can be purchased from Merchant Kale for 500 Runes.
Requirements: Strength 14, Dexterity 12
Damage Type: Pierce
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 110 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Light Bows
The Shortbow is a Light Bow that scales with Strength and Dexterity. This weapon is recommended for those who want to deal damage at a long-range, but do not want to use Magic Spells. The Shortbow doesn't deal the most damage, but is good to use in melee builds against enemies who are more difficult to fight using melee weapons. It can be bought for 300 Runes from Merchant Kale.
Requirements: Strength 7, Dexterity 9
Damage Type: N/A
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 36 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Range | 29 |
Glinstone Staffs
Carian Sorcerer Staff
The Carian Sorcerer Staff is a Glintstone Staff that scales with Intelligence, and is recommended for any player that wants to use Sorceries. This Staff is the starting equipment for Enchanted Knight, but is also sold by Gatekeeper Gostoc.
Requirements: Intelligence 14
Damage Type: Strike
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 60 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 0 |
Critical | 100 |
Scal | 114 |
Sacred Seals
Clawmark Seal
The Clawmark Seal is a Sacred Seal that scales with Faith, and is recommended for any players wanting to use Incantations. The Clawmark Seal is for performing previously-memorised spells, and with it being less visible than a Glinstone Staff, it can be used for surprise magic attacks during PvP play. This Seal is part of the default equipment for the Prophet class, and is also sold by Gatekeeper Gostoc.
Requirements: Faith 8
Damage Type: Strike
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 24 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 32 |
Critical | 100 |
Scal | 100 |
Finger Seal
The Finger Seal is a Sacred Seal that scales with Faith. Like the Clawmark Seal, it is recommended for any player that wants to use Incantations. This Seal is part of the default equipment for the Champion class, but is also sold by Gatekeeper Gostoc for 300 Runes.
Requirements: Faith 10
Damage Type: Strike
Attack Stats | |
Physical | 20 |
Magic | 0 |
Fire | 0 |
Lightning | 0 |
Holy | 36 |
Critical | 100 |
Scal | 100 |
That's all there is to know about all the weapons, their stats, and how they are levelled in Elden Ring so far. When we know more about other weapons, we'll be sure to update this page with their details and how to go about getting them.
For more, we recommend taking a look at whether Bonfires and Fast Travel will be in the title, and how the game is related to Dark Souls. We also have some words from our preview of the game here!