Since the initial leak of the guns list, information on the Bruen MK9 remains slim.
In the meantime, check out the Modern Warfare 2 maps making their way to multiplayer.
Although it's never the most popular weapon in the category, this Modern Warfare 2 Bruen MK9 loadout features immense damage at the cost of mobility. As Call of Duty fans wait for more information on Modern Warfare 2, a recent wave of leaks has uncovered a guns list in addition to intel on what multiplayer has in store.
Alongside the likes of the M4 and the AX-50, an LMG that made its debut in 2019's Modern Warfare is rumoured to feature within Infinity Ward's upcoming title.
The Bruen MK9 is one of the more popular LMGs to appear in a Call of Duty title thanks to its surprisingly high mobility levels. With that said, is the Bruen MK9 in Modern Warfare 2? Here's everything we know about the LMG making a return to multiplayer.
Is the Bruen MK9 in Modern Warfare 2?
Following a wave of leaks from a notable dataminer known as "Reality," the Bruen MK9 is one of several weapons making a return in Modern Warfare 2.
Thanks to the Warzone Mobile files, they contain a wealth of information on weapons featuring in Modern Warfare 2 much to the confusion of players. It's unclear why the battle royale contains so much Modern Warfare 2 content but it's good news hearing plenty of fan-favourite weapons are on their way back to the action.
- Read More: Modern Warfare 2 Guns List 2022
Bruen MK9 Call of Duty history
Despite appearing in a single Call of Duty title, the Bruen MK9 caught the attention of Modern Warfare and Warzone players thanks to its mobility and lethal damage output.
Thanks to the Gunsmith, players could modify the LMG to suit any style of play whether it was fast and aggressive slaying or a more patient approach.

What is the best Modern Warfare 2 Bruen MK9 loadout?
At the time of writing, it's impossible to determine the best loadout for the Bruen MK9 with the servers offline and no clue if the LMG will make an appearance in the game.
We already know of three LMGs featuring in the category and as Modern Warfare 2 is a sequel to 2019's Modern Warfare, there's always a chance of the Bruen returning.
If it does, we will update the guide with the strongest loadout along with information on the best attachments to improve its performance on the battlefield.
That's everything there is to know about the Bruen MK9 appearing in Modern Warfare 2. Once the beta starts, be sure to check back to find the best Bruen MK9 Modern Warfare 2 loadout to dominate the opposition. In the meantime, check out our page for all the latest news, leaks, and guides.