The Last of Us: Part 3 Has a Plot Outline, But Naughty Dog Aren't Developing It Yet

Many considered The Last Of Us Part 2 to be 2020's Game of the Year, so it's unsurprising people have questioned whether Part 3 could potentially be on the horizon.

While many await a potential PS5 upgrade, Naughty Dog's creative director Neil Druckmann's been speaking about a potential sequel, having recently appeared on an episode of Script Apart's podcast.

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The Last of Us: Part 3 Has a Plot Outline, But Naughty Dog Aren't Developing It Yet

Admitting there's been "quite a bit" of discussion about a new entry, Neil told listeners: "I don’t know how much I want to reveal... (co-writer) Halley Gross and I did write an outline for a story, that we're not making – but I hope one day can see the light of day – that explores a little bit what happens after this game. We’ll see.”

Neil then goes into detail about the reality of making such a game, further advising: "These games take so much to make. Part 2 I've been thinking about it for seven years, between when the last game came out and when this came out. You want to make sure you’re jazzed by the idea that you have, that it feels like it’s challenging."

Instead, Naughty Dog are currently considering what their next steps are, and Neil explains they take a long time in exploring different ideas. So, it appears unlikely they'll be revealing their next project anytime soon.

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