Batman Faces Off Against Deathstroke in Fortnite Zero Point #4

The Fortnite Zero Point world and DC Universe are getting even more complicated in Batman Fortnite Zero Point 4.

The latest issue in collaboration between one of DC’s most recognizable heroes and Epic’s battle royale powerhouse goes on sale June 1, 2021, adding Deathstroke to the mix following Batman's epic battle against Snake Eyes.

That’s all standard fare for a crossover event, you might think.

Yet Epic and DC both confirmed when the Batman/Fortnite Zero Point collaboration started that these events are canon in the Fortnite universe and in the DC Universe.

It’s probably best not to think too hard about how the Fortnite world can sit alongside Gotham City, just a slight tear in reality away, but it’s all in good fun anyway.

More than that, it’s a chance to bask in Fortnite Zero Point’s incredible illustrations.

Illustration from Batman Fortnite Zero Point issue four
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Batman Faces Off Against Deathstroke in Fortnite Zero Point #4

In issue four, Batman has broken free of the Fortnite loop, but that quickly becomes the least of his troubles.

The description reads:

"Not only is he met by a rogue faction of Fortnite bandits who have ALSO escaped the loop–Eternal Voyager! Bandolette! Magnus! Fishstick! And a few others– there’s someone else trapped, someone who is trying to get free from the world of Fortnite …someone deadly."

That "someone deadly" is, of course, Deathstroke.

Don’t expect too much closure in issue four, though.

Batman Fortnite Zero Point has six planned issues, so there’s two more left.

If you’ve yet to pre-order your copy yet, the guaranteed pre-order cutoff date is April 18.

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