Elden Ring Was Designed For "All Sorts Of Players", Not Just Veterans

FromSoftware's confirmed that Elden Ring was designed with "all sorts of players" in mind. Speaking in a Eurogamer interview, Community Manager Yasuhiro Kitao was questioned about whether they'd designed the game's world to create a more accessible experience, citing difficulty curve criticisms made against Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

Kitao subsequently confirmed that it's designed to be more inviting for newcomers, though he states there won't be any difficulty options included. Specifically, Kitao emphasis Elden Ring's expansive choices, saying that allowed them to "really flex a variety of character builds and approaches."

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Elden Ring Was Designed For "All Sorts Of Players", Not Just Veterans

Elaborating further, Kitao advised this means "you don't have to play a specific way" in Elden Ring, adding:

We always want all sorts of players to enjoy these games and get as far as possible. Obviously we respect and appreciate that a large portion of our player base really enjoys that level of challenge, and enjoys these situations where they're really tested, their skill is tested. And we really want to cater to them, and it is not our intention to make any single game easier or harder. But we also want to create and prepare a wide variety of approaches and options that players who are not so inclined can use, to enjoy the game and to experience that sense of accomplishment just like those hardened veterans.

As such, it's clear that FromSoftware are trying to strike a balance, still catering to their existing audience but giving players further options. Launching on January 21st 2022, you can find Bandai Namco's upcoming RPG on PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Source: Eurogamer

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