Rumour: Bloodborne Remaster Is Ambitious And Will Release On PS5 Later This Year

Rumours are once again rearing their head about a Bloodborne remaster on PS5, this time from the same source that leaked Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin.

Yesterday evening @SoulsHunt on Twitter tweeted that a Bloodborne remaster is set to release on PS5 later this year, followed by PC.

SoulsHunt then goes on to say that this remaster isn't being developed by Bluepoint or FromSoftware, but that it is ambitious.

Interestingly, if neither of these developers are working on the remaster it begs the question of who is. Well, a rumour from last year stated that QLOC were supposedly working on it with Bluepoint, so it could be them fully developing the remaster.

Previously, QLOC have developed a lot of Mortal Kombat DLC and also helped with remastering a few JRPGs.

As mentioned above SoulsHunt does now have a track record of being correct and it does seem likely that we could get a Bloodborne remaster at some point, possibly even being announced at Sony's rumoured Summer showcase.

SoulsHunt does let fans know, however, that they shouldn't expect a Bloodborne sequel, with FromSoftware instead focusing on new IPs like Elden Ring.

As with all rumors, do take this with a grain of salt until we here something official from Sony, but a Bloodborne remaster seems inevitable at some point.

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