Starfield's Latest Developer Diary Outlines Bethesda's Ambitions

Bethesda Softworks has released a new developer diary for Starfield. Calling this “Into the Starfield: The Endless Pursuit,” this latest insight gives us a closer look at Bethesda's "ambitions, passions and history" behind their upcoming project.

Sitting down for a seven-minute video, that involved three key members of the development team: game director Todd Howard, studio director Angela Browder, and art director Matt Carofano.

Read More: Starfield: Everything We Know So Far

Starfield's Latest Developer Diary Outlines Bethesda's Ambitions

Talking about how they've looked to the future with Starfield, Todd Howard wasted no time outlining Bethesda's ethos, telling us:

Even though we wanna make a game that is very big, [that] is very long, that you can play for all those years, it's all the paths you didn't take that make it special for you. That when you feel like when you finish that quest, that you feel that you accomplished something that week, that people can say "What did you do today? Save the world".

We've got nearly a year before Starfield's eventual launch, which is currently planned for November 11th, 2022, exclusively on Xbox Series X|S and PC. We'll keep you informed as we learn more about this anticipated action-RPG.

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