Genshin Impact Geoculus Locations: How To Find ALL Collectibles With Our Interactive Map

Genshin Impact - What are the Geoculi?

The Geoculus (Geoculi in plural) is an Adventure Item that can be found across the Liyue Nation. It helps you level the Statues of the Seven in that nation, which will give you various bonuses depending on the statue’s current level. You need to progress to a certain point in the game before starting to collect them since are locked behind the Main Story progression.

They will show up in the minimap along with a sound effect whenever you get within proximity of one of them. You can also use alchemy to craft a consumable gadget called the Geoculus Resonance Stone, which will point the way to the closest one. Keep in mind, there’s a 131st Geoculus tied to your Story progression, but you only need 130 to max out the level of the Statues of the Seven in the Liyue Nation.

To keep a clean track of the Geoculus you collected, we suggest you use this very useful interactive map:

Genshin Impact - Geoculus Locations #1-32

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1: Floating above a Chest inside the Treasure Chamber, accessible doing the quest “The Chi of Guyun”.
2: On a secret tunnel next to the waterfall, noticeable when you look over the inactive Ruin Guard sitting on the ground.
3: Inside a small cavern beside the river.
4: On top of the tallest tree.
5: Floating up in the air between two waterfalls. You can glide from a bridge to get it.
6: Floating up in the air over three small stone structures. Glide from a higher point to get it.
7: Floating above the door of the house, it’s hidden behind wooden beams.
8: Over the wooden pillars, you will need to glide to get it.
9: Over the roof of the house.
10: Floating in the air over the road. Glide from a higher point to get it.
11: Floating over a rock on the shore.
12: Floating in the air in front of the waterfall. Climb it and glide from there to get it.
13: Hidden on top of the high bamboo trees in the pond.
14: On top of the mountain, floating between two totems.
15: On top of the tower beside the mill.
16: Floating up in the air, climb the nearby tree to glide and get it.
17: Floating over a chest, between two trees.
18: Up in the tower.
19: Floating up in the air above a rock.
20: Floating above the water, under the bridge.
21: Floating over the chasm.
22: Floating above a small ruined tower.
23: Floating up in the air above a rock.
24: On top of a rock formation with a bird nest.
25: Under a ruined staircase, noticeable from the south.
26: Inside a circular stone arch.
27: Floating up in the air above a rock.
28: Over a tree stump.
29: On top of a hilichurl hut.
30: Floating above water, make an ice walkway to get it.
31: Inside a wind barrier, glide from the nearby hill to get it.
32: Hidden within the leaves of the tree on top of the hill.

Genshin Impact - Geoculus Locations #33-69

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33: Floating up in the air. Trigger the pressure plate with a Geo skill or create a wind current with Venti to get it.
34: On top of the tree next to the shrine.
35: Floating over a dead tree, glide from nearby to get it.
36: Activate the Pinwheel Clover using an Anemo skill, to create wind boosters that will allow you to get the Geoculus.
37: Floating over a rock formation. Since there are no high cliffs nearby, you can use the Traveler’s Geo skill to create a platform that helps you to reach it or create a wind current with Venti.
38: On a ledge down the side of the cliff.
39: At the top of the big tree, hidden within its leaves.
40: On top of a rock.
41: Inside a cave under the mountain, accessible from the south-west
42: Sitting on the short side of the mountain top.
43: Activate the Pinwheel Clover using an Anemo skill, to create wind boosters that will allow you to get the Geoculus.
44: Floating in the air beside the mountain, you can glide from the teleport point to get it.
45: Floating up in the air at the level of the hanging bridges. Glide from a higher point to get it.
46: Floating between two mountains, you can glide from the taller one to get it.
47: At the highest point in Liyue. To get there you need to activate a Totem and three bird statues sitting on top of the highest peaks in the area. This will unlock a wind current that will take you to some stone platforms you need to climb, until reaching a temple in the sky.
48: Inside a hole on the mountain wall.
49: Floating on the side of the cliff.
50: On the mountain top.
51: Floating up in the air. Glide from the ruined tower to get it.
52: Floating high up in the air, you can glide from a nearby cliff to get it.
53: Floating over a tree stump.
54: Under a small ruined structure covered by vines, look at your right after entering.
55: Floating over a rock formation, you can either use the Traveler’s Geo skill to reach it or glide from the top of Wangshu Inn.
56: On top of the straw cabin.
57: Near the top of the mountain, you can glide from above or use Traveler’s Geo skill to reach it.
58: Over the roof of the cabin.
59: Over the roof of the gazebo.
60: Complete the water draining puzzle to get it.
61: At the bottom of the waterfall hole.
62: Floating above the water, under the bridge.
63: Floating between the two cliffs.
64: Above a dead tree.
65: Floating high up in the air, you can glide from a nearby teleport point.
66: On top of the shrine.
67: Floating high up in the air, in front of the waterfall. you can glide from the top to get it.
68: On top of the mountain, near the pond.
69: Inside the pit, glide down to get it.

Genshin Impact - Geoculus Locations #70-103

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70: Under the top level of Wangshu Inn. Jump and glide down to get it.
71: On top of the roof of Wangshu Inn.
72: Floating above water, underneath the bridge.
73: Activate the Pinwheel Clover using an Anemo skill, to create wind boosters that will allow you to get the Geoculus. You can also glide down from Wangshu Inn.
74: On top of the tree. Defeat the Fatui Assassin defending it.
75: Inside the mine.
76: Floating over the edge of the mountain.
77: Inside the ruined, collapsed tower.
78: Activate the Pinwheel Clover using an Anemo skill, to create wind boosters that will allow you to get the Geoculus.
79: On top of the ruined straw cabin.
80: Floating above water, underneath the bridge.
81: Behind the rock formation.
82: Over the rock formation, near the base of the cliff.
83: Floating over the top edge of the cliff.
84: On a ledge inside the ruined tunnel.
85: Sitting on top of a column.
86: On top of the ruined tower. To reach this islet you can create an ice walkway from the harbor or Activating a Pinwheel Clover near the Geo Hypostasis, to the south.
87: Floating above the water, glide from the nearby hill to get it.
88: On top of the tall rock formation.
89: Floating above the rock formation. You can get it Activating the Pinwheel Clover to the east.
90: Floating above the wooden dock.
91: On top of the ruin, climb to get it.
92: Inside the underground lair, defeat the Ruin Guard to access it.
93: On top of the mountain.
94: Floating below the rock outcrop.
95: Over the roof of the wooden structure.
96: On top of a dead tree.
97: Floating above the water, create an ice walkway to get it.
98: Between the islands, floating above a rock.
99: On top of the big rock formation.
100: On top of the mountain.
101: At the top of the ship, which you can access gliding from the mountain.
102: At the top of the tall rock formation.
103: At the top of the ship, which you can access gliding from Liyue harbor.

Genshin Impact - Geoculus Locations #104-131

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104: Floating over the ruins, glide from a higher point to get it.
105: Climb to the top of the shrine.
106: On top of a ruined pillar.
107: At the top of the mountain, floating over a dead tree.
108: Activate the Pinwheel Clover using an Anemo skill, to create wind boosters that will allow you to get the Geoculus.
109: Floating over the broken bridge. Glide from the nearby cliff to get it.
110: On top of the cliff.
111: Besides the tree.
112: On top of the mountain you need to light the brazier, which will a wind current that will help you to get it.
113: Activate the Pinwheel Clover using an Anemo skill, to create wind boosters that will allow you to get the Geoculus.
114: Floating above the ruined arch.
115: Complete the water draining puzzle to get it.
116: Inside the ruined tower.
117: Floating above a ruined tower.
118: On top of the ruined arch.
119: Floating in the tower on top of the hill.
120: On the edge of the cliff.
121: Floating above a crane, you can climb it to get the Geoculus.
122: Over the top of the central shrine.
123: On top of the Hilichurl hut.
124: Floating up in the air, glide from the nearby Hilichurl tower to get it.
125: Inside the Hilichurl hut with the Pyro mage.
126: Floating high up in the air, glide from a nearby higher point to get it.
127: Floating up in the air, inside the cave on the southern cliff.
128: Inside the broken wall, accessible from the top.
129: Floating high up the top of the mountain, activating the Geo totem will spawn a bridge.
130: Inside a hidden passage accessible from the mountain path, right after the first ladder.
131: Inside a hidden chamber in front of the statue, accessible dropping through the bushes.

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