COD Mobile: Tips And Tricks To Survive For Five Nights In Undead Siege

COD Mobile Season 6 is off to a brilliant start as fans are treated to the return of Zombies Mode in-game. The dead have arrived in COD once again and in Season 6 it is called The Undead Siege.

The last time players got to experience the Zombies mode was back in 2019, and ever since the community has been requesting for its return. While the Casual mode is simple enough to grind, the "Hard Mode" is a nightmare for beginners and pros alike.
Here's everything you need to know before grinding the Undead Siege Zombie Mode in COD Mobile Season 6.

The Undead Siege

In the Undead Siege mode, players will have to protect the Control Center with their teammates. Richtofen, one of the most popular characters in Call Of Duty will be your guide throughout the journey.

The objective is to gather resources during the Daytime and fight hoards of Zombies once it's dark. XP earned through Zombies will help progress the regular battle pass.

The Zombies pass will require players to complete objectives to earn Dark Aether crystals, new weapon cosmetics, and CP.

Read more - COD Mobile Legendary Ghost: How To Get All Cosmetics From The Omnipotent Draw?

Difficulty Levels

Although Undead Siege is a limited-time mode, COD Mobile players are grinding it to unlock all the free rewards and cosmetics. There are two difficulty levels for the Zombies Modes in COD Mobile.

The first level of difficulty is the Casual Mode where the match lasts for three nights. This one is relatively easier to complete, and wouldn't require much effort.

The second level of difficulty is the Hard Mode which is strictly for battle-hardened veterans. Here, the match continues for five nights, and several unique and powerful species of Zombies spawn during this mode.

Playing alone is not the best strategy in this game mode, which is why players need to follow certain objectives to master the Hard Difficulty level.

Here is a list of tips and tricks that will help players progress quickly in the Hard difficulty mode in Undead Siege

Tips and Tricks To Win In Hard Difficulty

Here are a few things to remember before jumping into a Zombie run solo or with a teammate.

Play The Objective

The primary objective in Undead Siege is to collect Aether Stones and Shards. Players can do this during the daytime, and try to collect as many as possible.

Aether Shards will help players upgrade their Talent Level making them a difficult target for the Zombies. This is where the Casual Mode comes in. Players should essentially complete most of the complicated challenges in Casual Mode and then go on to grind the Hard difficulty.

Missions like Daytime Side or Kill 1000 Zombies are easier to complete in casual mode. The key is to unlock more Aether Shards and Stones which will help players during the Hard mode.

LMG Supremacy

If anyone has played Zombies mode on COD Mobile before then they know how efficient LMGs are against them. Currently, the game has a range of unique LMGs to choose from to win every round against the dead.

Try to pick up an LMG during the early round, or have a Custom loadout for an LMG. The Holger-26 or the RPD would work fine against Zombies as long as players have enough ammunition.

Grind the Casual Mode

The Casual Mode is the best way to upgrade your Talent and collect Aether Essence. Grind the Casual Mode and try to hoard as much as you can during every run.

This will eventually help players get habituated with the game mode in general. Another good piece of advice would be to keep grinding casual mode until you have reached Talent level 15-20.

Choose Talent Upgrades Wisely

Players have a range of options for Talent Upgrades. They can spend their talent upgrades wisely and improve their defences.

For an aggressive approach, focus on Weapon Upgrade, Turret Weapon and Toughness. This will not only upgrade your health but also improve the damage on the turrets.

Additionally, players can invest wisely in Turret Armor. Higher-level turrets will stop Zombies from destroying the base.

As for Advanced Tools, this is only useful in-game during the first few rounds in the game.

Travel Using A Helicopter

Players should use a helicopter to travel around the map during the Daytime. This method is quite effective to collect Supply Drops and ammunition from all around the map.

Make sure to always take an ally with you to maximize loot capacity. Target going to areas like Launch Base, Farm, Diner, Killhouse, Sakura as these areas are densely populated with Zombies.

Get That Crystal Aether Camo

Grinding Zombies Mode for weapon skins in COD is an old tradition, one that's recreated in Undead Siege. Players can unlock the Crystal Aether camo for ARs, SMGs etc. If players simply want to grind Undead Siege for Aether Crystal camo, then is best to hunt zombies during the day.

Finish Side Mission

Side Missions will appear on Day 4 and players can complete these quite easily. For this, they will need to travel to the marked POI which has huge Aether Crystals. Destroying these crystals will help players get a lot of loot that will help them survive the upcoming fight.

Day 4 is when things start kicking in so make sure to complete all the side missions. Players will have to be extra sharp as Side Mission tend to disappear if they don't reach the destination on time.

Focus On Ignite Zombies

The Ignite Zombies may not be the strongest of the lot, but they are the fastest. These creatures can sneak in behind the shield to destroy your base.

Players need to focus on Ignite Zombies as most of the heavy gunfire will be done by the Turrets. The objective here is to protect your teammates and the base while making sure no Zombie gets through.

Team Work

To survive all five nights in Undead Siege players require good communication and efficient movement. Placing the Turrets as well as collecting ammo from Zombie kills should become a single motion.

The waves will tend to intensify in the last two nights. It can become quite difficult to survive, especially on the fifth day. The best way to win on the final day is to keep the Turrets close to the reactor and keep shooting the Zombies from a distance.

Make sure to always share materials with your teammates for Turret upgrades. Having extra ammunition, grenades and medkits will play a vital role during the fifth day. Upgrade all your turrets to maximum capacity and increase their armor for maximum defense.

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