Nintendo Unveils First Officially Licenced Smash Bros. Championship Circuit

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate concluded with the recent Sora DLC, but it's not over yet for this brawler. Nintendo's announced they'll be teaming up with Esports team Panda Global, bringing us an officially licensed championship across North America for the first time.

Better still, Ultimate's not alone. Critically acclaimed GameCube entry, Super Smash Bros. Melee, will be joining it, which still maintains an active competitive scene 20 years later. Online qualifiers will kick off proceedings for Ultimate, while both are getting in-person events next year.

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Nintendo Unveils First Officially Licenced Smash Bros. Championship Circuit

Speaking through a press release and YouTube trailer, Panda Global issued this statement:

A new partnership approaches between Nintendo and Panda! We're excited to announce that we will launch the first-ever officially licensed championship circuit with cash prizing for both Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Super Smash Bros. Melee in 2022. More details about the events, schedule and prizing are coming soon!

You can watch a brief announcement video above. Though we'll have to wait for more specific competition details, it's certainly good news for the Super Smash Bros. competitive scene, who've previously struggled to get Nintendo onboard. We'll keep you informed once we learn further details.

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