State of Play June 2022 Showcase Drops FF16, Street Fighter 6, and RE4 Remake Trailers

A promo screenshot for Final Fantasy XVI.
Credit: @Nibellion on Twitter.

A promo screenshot for Final Fantasy XVI.
Credit: @Nibellion on Twitter.

Following a wave of hype and speculation throughout this week, the Playstation State of Play June 2022 presentation finally happened yesterday, delivering just under 30 minutes of game-based goodness.

Among the highlights were fresh trailers for Final Fantasy 16, Street Fighter 6 and Resident Evil 4 Remake, all of which had been heavily speculated as potential inclusions in the run-up to the showcase.

Filling out the show were a couple of other big names in the form of Marvel’s Spider-Man and Horizon: Call of the Mountain, which will be coming to PC and VR respectively, along with a few other VR and indie games.

Showcase Leaves Final Fantasy, Street Fighter and Resident Evil Fans Happy

Starting off with the game that Sony selected to form the YouTube presentation’s climax, Final Fantasy 16 is set to arrive on PS5 in the summer of 2023. A new trailer entitled 'Dominance' showcased gameplay that has seemingly divided fans of the franchise.

In a Sony blog post, producer Yoshida Naoki said the trailer was specifically designed around “high-octane battles featuring our protagonist Clive Rosfield wielding a full arsenal of attacks unique to the game’s many Eikons (summons)”, adding that the team: “has entered the final leg of development and is focusing on polish as they continue their march toward master up and launch.”

Meanwhile, Resident Evil 4 Remake has been given a release date of March 24 2023, as well as an announcement trailer that you can check out below:

Sandwiched midway between the two was Street Fighter 6, which is also set for release in 2023. The debut trailer showed off “a more hyper-realistic look” thanks to the use of Capcom’s RE Engine technology.

“Beads of sweat will roll down across skin, muscles will tense up when used, and cherry blossom petals will flitter and twirl in line with a character’s movement.” promises the game’s Sony blog post, which also offers more detail on the game’s new mechanics and the four characters featured in the trailer: Luke, Ryu, Chun-Li and Jamie.

Beyond the above, games including survival horror title The Callisto Protocol, cat-based adventure Stray, and VR experience Horizon: Call of the Mountain also received trailers, with the former two being set for release later this year.

This year will also see the Marvel’s Spider-Man series landing on PC, with a Sony blog post also touting the fact it collectively hit 33 million copies sold globally last month.

Make sure to follow us for more updates as gaming’s presentation season rumbles on.

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