Pokemon Sleep Pokemon list - Sleep types and Specialty skills we know so far

Two Pokemon characters, one holding a green apple, with a green apple background, representing Sleep types and their specialty skills in Pokemon Sleep.

Two Pokemon characters, one holding a green apple, with a green apple background, representing Sleep types and their specialty skills in Pokemon Sleep.

Trying for a complete Sleep Style Dex in Pokemon Sleep? You'll want to follow along with the Pokemon Sleep Pokemon list. It's an in-progress list of every Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep. And if you're already thinking we've repeated a few too many words already, you're in for a rude awakening. You'll be dozing off before the end of the page.

Though there's not an immediate reason as to why you'll want to complete the Sleep Style Dex in this game, the collection aspect of the series has always been a major driver. If you're hoping to finish it, read on. And if you're just dreaming that your favourite Pokemon might come to snuggle up with you at bedtime, the list can help with that, too.

Pokemon Sleep Pokemon list - All Pokemon and sleep types

Here's the current list of Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep. With the game still being relatively new, expect more to be discovered over time. Just because your favourite isn't here right now, doesn't mean it isn't the game. It might just not have been logged by anyone who happens to be keeping track of things.

Species / Evolution Line
Sleep Type
Showing 1-10 of 41
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To add to this, note that Baby Pokemon like Igglybuff, Cleffa, and Togepi all appear to share the Slumbering sleep type.

Pokemon that evolve tend to keep their sleep type, but Baby Pokemon all feature Slumbering as their own, before switching to their evolutionary line's type when they grow. If there's a form prior to a Pokemon listed above, its type will be Slumbering at that stage.

For more on sleeping with your favourite Pokemon, here's how to transfer a Pokemon Sleep account to another device, how to get Night Cap Pikachu onto your team, and how to reroll a new account in Pokemon Sleep if you're looking to farm specific natures or shiny Pokemon.

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