Guerilla Job Listings Suggest They’re Looking Into a Horizon Multiplayer Game

Guerrilla is hard at work polishing Horizon: Forbidden West in time for its launch next year. Pre-orders have also gone live for the highly-anticipated title, with multiple editions up for grabs.

Though the game isn't out yet, we may have gotten a sign of where Guerrilla is heading with its next project. As spotted by VGC, the company's website has a host of job listings that point towards an online direction for the developer.

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Horizon Online Game Has Been Speculated Through Guerilla's Job Listings

Certain posts are asking for extensive knowledge in multiplayer and single-player components. For example, Senior Social Systems Designer specifies social components as key in the role:

Design features and systems to promote a healthy and fun experience for our player community, engage players in social interactions to create lasting relationships, and where compatible players can create Guild-like groups to explore together.

The applicant will also "analyze how games utilize social interactions to promote player-to-player bond".

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In addition to these online segments, new storytellers are required for the position of a Copy and Game Writer:

Learn and master the complex story of a massive fictional world....Write clear, sharp copy about our story, characters, and world for internal and external partners

However, Senior Narrative Systems Designer is asking for both:

Possess detailed knowledge of narrative design in open-world RPG games, both single-player and online.

While these requirements don't specifically link to Horizon itself, VGC reports that Guerilla could be recruiting talent for an online Horizon title. Sources have informed the outlet that Sony has wanted to integrate multiplayer into Guerilla's franchise for some time, even in Forbidden West, but Guerilla held off on this. Seemingly, that was to develop another game or expansion based in this universe.

With these job listings, it's been speculated that Guerilla is beginning production on said project as an end draws closer for Forbidden West. While this remains unconfirmed, we'll inform you of any new developments.

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