How to get Fortnite Takara skin

Fortnite Takara skin
Credit: Epic Games

Fortnite Takara skin
Credit: Epic Games

Do you want to know how to get the Fortnite Takara skin? Well, since the release of Fortnite, more than 1,500 skins have been added to the game, which is quite a lot. However, most of them are not available all the time, but only for a limited period.

Sometimes, Epic Games decides to bring back some of the skins that have been unavailable for years. And that's what happened with Takara. It was first released during Chapter 1 Season 9 in 2019 and since then it has appeared from time to time in the Item Shop stock until 2021. And after almost three years, it became available for purchase again.

But before we show you how to get the Takara skin, check out our guide on where to find the Enforcer AR in Fortnite. On top of that, here's our article showcasing how to get and use the Lock-On pistol in Fortnite.

Fortnite Takara skin
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Credit: Epic Games

How to get Fortnite Takara skin

So, unfortunately, at the time of writing this article, you cannot get the Takara skin in Fortnite. Despite being away for almost three years, Takara returned to the game for just one day. On January 28, 2024, fans could find this elusive skin in the Item Shop. But at the end of the day, it disappeared again.

For just 1,500 V-Bucks, you could purchase the Takara bundle. It included the Takara skin for Fortnite and the Takara Outfit LEGO Style. But this, of course, is not enough to put together a complete Takara set. Therefore, in addition to the bundle described above, you also had to purchase Engage and Shamisen.

The Engage contains a Glider stylized just like the Takara skin. And we think this red and black glider with the Japanese flag print is perfect for Takara.

As for the Shamisen bundle, it costs a little less, namely 500 V-Bucks. Although it is called a traditional Japanese musical instrument, in reality, it is a stylized Pickaxe. And it’s worth noting that it looks very authentic.

So, you had to spend at least 2,800 V-Bucks to purchase the entire Takara set. Therefore, we recommend that you earn or save this amount if you already have it. It is not yet known exactly when the Takara skin will appear in Fortnite again. But when it happens, you should have funds on your balance.

That's all you need to know about how to get Fortnite Takara skin. This is a rather elusive skin that was only available for one day in January 2024. So you should always keep V-Bucks with you so that you can purchase the skin any time it becomes available.

By the way, once you're done here, don't forget to take a look at our article on how to get the Business Turret in Fortnite.

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