All Animal Well Rabbit Locations

A room in Animal Well featuring crows perched on wooden rafters and a ladder inside a cave.
Credit: Shared Memory. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports

A room in Animal Well featuring crows perched on wooden rafters and a ladder inside a cave.
Credit: Shared Memory. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports

Animal Well is an intriguing exploration, taking players into a tangling world of complex mazes, mysterious puzzles, and sophisticated challenges. With each step taken, a new layer of obstacles is unveiled, making the gameplay through the entire journey immersive and intriguing. One of the most challenging puzzles is finding all the Animal Well rabbit locations.

Discovering these Secret Rabbits is vital to beat the puzzle game, but their hidden locations require you to play your cards right. As some players may be struggling to find the secret bunnies on their own, this guide will provide them with the answers they seek and pinpoint the exact locations of each secret Rabbit in Animal Well. For more, be sure to check out all the Animal Well egg locations as well.

All Animal Well Rabbit Locations

There are 20 Secret Rabbit locations in Animal Well, waiting to be found around the game's map. Below, you'll find all the secret bunny locations that have been discovered so far so you can find them for yourself.

A large blue and red rabbit on a screen in the back wall of a cave in Animal Well.
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Credit: Shared Memory. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports.

Secret Rabbit - 1

To get your first Secret Rabbit in Animal Well, solve the Bunny Mural puzzle using the Remote obtained after defeating the Chameleon boss. Head two screens right from the animal statues to find the mural. Use the Remote to reveal a hidden control panel next to the mural. Recreate the image to unlock a secret room, where you'll find the rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 2

To get another Secret Rabbit in Animal Well, you'll need to navigate to the puzzle room within the Jungle that features a Chinchilla on sliding platforms. In this room, search diligently to find hidden codes concealed behind the vines located at the top of the map. Discover the code and play your Animal Flute to reveal the location.

Secret Rabbit - 4

You'll first spot this Secret Rabbit 4 at the game's start, on the left ledge just before getting your map. After finishing the game and getting your B. B. Wand, return to the area with fish and giant Stork/Cranes left of the map's center. Go far right, then use a secret exit in the top right. Complete the spike room challenge to reach the rabbit's ledge.

Secret Rabbit - 5

To discover the Secret Rabbit 5 location in Animal Well, note down the numbered symbols on pillars that match those on your map stamps. Connect these locations with lines to form a series of eight numbers. Playing these numbers on the Animal Flute teleports you to a hidden spot in the Jungle region, where you'll find the rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 7

To find Secret Rabbit 7, use the UV light to reveal hidden rooms on the map. Wait at the telephone where you place the four flames until you see sparkles, then activate the UV light and chase the rabbit left toward the Egg Room to capture it.

Secret Rabbit - 8

To find Secret Rabbit 8 in Animal Well, head left from the central area towards where you obtained the B. Wand. Use your UV Wand to reveal a pattern hidden in gold symbols on a fish mural. Play this pattern on your flute to reveal a room where you can find the rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 9

To find Secret Rabbit 9 in Animal Well, start from the beginning of the game and head right, then up, and finally to the left. Follow this path until you reach the room with the ghost without a candle. To transform it into a rabbit, play the flute in a clockwise circle.

Secret Rabbit - 10

To discover Secret Rabbit 10 in Animal Well, start by using the Brown Bear warp door located at the top right of the map. Proceed right, then up, and finally left until you reach a room where you spot some crows. Play the flute in the direction the crows are cawing to unveil the hidden rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 11

To find Secret Rabbit 11 go right from the central area until you find a duck. In the northeast corner, there's a room with a duck/rabbit mural and strange faces. Translate these faces into flute directions and play them for the duck to reveal the Secret Rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 12

To get Secret Rabbit 12 in Animal Well, let your character idle until they fall asleep. After a brief moment of slumber, they'll start dreaming of a Secret Rabbit. When it appears in the dream, jump up and touch it to collect it.

Secret Rabbit - 13

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To find Secret Rabbit 13, play the song linked to the flower you're released from at the start. After getting your Fireworks, observe a mural with four bulbs. Match the bulb shapes to your saved data and follow the sparkle movements. Play these sequences in musical order to reach the rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 14

Head to the room with three barking dogs located near the upper left of the map. Stand behind the alternating wall in the top right corner of this room. Use your bubble to navigate left twice, up twice, down once, and right once. Then, jump into the poison in the room with raised blocks to respawn behind the switch wall where you will find the Rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 16

Go to the house at the game's end where the TV flashes colors. Use the Remote to cycle through eight faces on the TV. Compare them to the face mural where you got the B. B. Wand. Play the discovered song in the house to reveal the rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 17

To get Secret Rabbit 17 in Animal Well, access the office PC. Follow the instructions to make an Origami Secret Rabbit. Play the indicated song on your Animal Flute to get the Origami Rabbit Figure and after a few moments, a rabbit will appear.

Secret Rabbit - 18

Enter the room near the Brown Bear Warp Door in the Jungle area. Lead the ghost from the M. Disc shrine area to the Ghost Dog Statue there, transforming it into the rabbit.

Secret Rabbit - 20

To locate Secret Rabbit 20 in Animal Well, begin from the top left of the map and utilize the disc to traverse the water. Gain altitude and fly back towards the right. Along the way, you'll encounter a hidden path obscured by vines. Inside, navigate through a spiked gauntlet using either disc-riding or the wheel, to reach the Rabbit.

That's all the Animal Well rabbit locations you need to find all the secret bunnies hiding away. To round out your collection, find out all the Animal Well Candle locations next.

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