PlayStation's Jim Ryan Admonishes Activision Over Harassment Allegations Response

PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan has reportedly criticised Activision through an internal email to employees. As reported by Bloomberg, Ryan's alleged intervention followed Activision's response to Wall Street Journal's recent report, which states CEO Bobby Kotick covered up sexual harassment allegations.

Since that report, the recently-formed ABK Workers Alliance walked out in protest, while one group of shareholders - who account for 0.6% of Activision's stock - have called for his resignation. However, Activision Blizzard board of directors continues affirmed its support for their CEO, while Kotick himself claims this report is false.

Read More: New Report Says Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Covered Up Sexual Misconduct Allegations

PlayStation's Jim Ryan Admonishes Activision Over Harassment Allegations Response

Evidently, PlayStation isn't happy and Bloomberg claims an internal email was sent to Activision. Advising that him and the leadership team were “disheartened and frankly stunned to read” by Activision's response, Ryan believes they haven't done enough over "deep-seated culture of discrimination and harassment."

Detailing this further, Ryan reportedly stated:

We outreached to Activision immediately after the article was published to express our deep concern and to ask how they plan to address the claims made in the article. We do not believe their statements of response properly address the situation.

At this time, neither Jim Ryan or Activision have formally respond to the Bloomberg report. However, if that changes, we'll keep you updated with new developments.

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