PlayStation CEO says the VR future’s still a few years off

Several years ago, you couldn’t escape the promise: Virtual reality is the future. Everyone’s going to have it. It’s finally here. And companies like HTC, Oculus, and PlayStation did admirable work toward bringing VR to the mainstream.

Journalist and YouTuber Chris Baker, formerly of LucasArts, has said that if you want to see the shape of video-game history, look to Star Wars games.

Last year, we finally saw a major, canonical Star Wars story arrive on VR headsets in the form of Vader Immortal. And ILM has even more virtual-reality experiences on the way. So the medium is, slowly but surely, finding an audience.

But PSVR, it seems, is taking a bit of a backseat for PlayStation.

“I think we’re more than a few minutes from the future of VR,” Sony Interactive CEO Jim Ryan told the Washington Post this week.

“PlayStation believes in VR. Sony believes in VR, and we definitely believe at some point in the future, VR will represent a meaningful component of interactive entertainment. Will it be this year? No. Will it be next year? No. But will it come at some stage? We believe that.”

In the meantime, Sony’s making PSVR gear manufactured for the PS4 compatible with the upcoming PlayStation 5.

For the foreseeable future, the manufacturer’s offering a PlayStation camera adapter — for use with the new PS5 console — free to existing PSVR owners.

Consumers can request one of the adapters directly from Sony.

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