Modern Warfare 2 players want adjustments to camo challenges

Ghost holding gun next to golden assault rifle
Credit: Activision

Ghost holding gun next to golden assault rifle
Credit: Activision

There are numerous camouflage challenges to complete in Modern Warfare 2. Each one requires players to complete a challenge ranging from more traditional designs to the coveted mastery camos.

With the focus moving to Season One Reloaded, players continue to criticise others who refuse to play the objective in modes such as Hardpoint, Domination, and Headquarters. The current set of challenges means players don't need to go anywhere near a hill or a flag.

After some thinking, one player believes MW2 camo challenges are to blame and wants developers to adjust the requirements so teammates and opponents get into the action.

Modern Warfare 2 objective camo challenges

The vast majority of camo challenges need you to score multiple kills without dying or longshots, meaning there’s no need to play anywhere near a hill or a flag. Reddit user Samroson says Infinity Ward should create challenges that promote objective play rather than encouraging a passive style of play.

Judging by the responses, tweaks to camo challenges in Modern Warfare 2 and future Call of Duty titles would prove extremely popular. “I think this is a fantastic idea!” exclaims one user. Another says the suggestion is an incredibly “simple solution” to a problem that shouldn’t impact objective game modes.

The idea also enables players to experience less popular game modes. “Challenges to promote different game mode types should be a part of the grind,” says one fan. “Just anything that isn’t Shoot House 24/7.”

Although the idea of objective-based camo challenges is a popular one, it’s unclear if Infinity Ward will tweak the requirements anytime soon. With the next title not expected until 2024, it might be a while before you need to score 25 Domination captures to earn a camo.

Before you head back into the action, take a look at our guides highlighting the best Modern Warfare 2 assault rifle and everything there is to know about upcoming Modern Warfare 2 double XP events.

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