Black Ops Cold War: Bizarre In-Game Glitch Uncovers Gunfight Tournaments

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The Call of Duty franchise is no stranger to strange bugs and exploits causing game-breaking issues for players.

While Warzone players continue to find bugs on what seems like a regular basis, Black Ops Cold War players are also finding bugs of their own.

This particular glitch may not be as severe as the unlimited stim glitch, but it has revealed a brand-new game mode that could be arriving in Black Ops Cold War in the near future.

The hugely popular Gunfight mode arrived as part of Season One’s launch content and it looks like the mode will be receiving a competitive twist.

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Black Ops Cold War Gunfight Tournaments

First discovered by content creator @AdvancedOnYT, a bizarre glitch within the Zombies menu has accidentally revealed a menu displaying Gunfight tournaments.

Glitch In-Game Reveals Gunfight Tournaments.
— Advanced (@AdvancedOnYT)
January 28, 2021

It’s unclear as to how the player managed to come across the new game mode, but its presence within the game implies that its official release could be coming very soon.

For those unfamiliar with the playlist, eight teams of two battle it out through a knockout bracket in a bid to reach the finals.

The winner of the finals receives a range of exclusive rewards, including weapon blueprints, calling cards, and more.

The playlist was extremely popular during the Modern Warfare game cycle and was one of the few playlists that offered some form of incentive for taking home the tournament victory.

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Gunfight Tournament Release Date

With the release of Express on February 4th and the launch of League Play due before the end of Season One, there is a chance that players will get the chance to compete in Gunfight tournaments before the start of Season Two that is scheduled for the end of February.

If the playlist doesn’t launch during the final half of Season One, then it is more than likely to make an appearance in Season Two.

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