Peacemaker Could Be Coming To Fortnite Early Next Year

Credit: Image via Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Image via Warner Bros. Pictures

Fortnite is no stranger to collaborations with popular trends and simultaneous virtual universes. Season 7 has been a constant ride of various collaborations for all Fortnite players. Be it Rick and Morty or a continuous flow of characters from DC Comics, the current season has had a lot to offer for the fans.

Apart from the recent leaks suggesting King Shark and the Weasel's appearance in Fortnite, the latest leaks suggest that a Peacemaker skin could be in the works at Epic Games.

Let's dive in and take a look at the possibilities of the Peacemaker skin in Fortnite.

Peacemaker in Fortnite

Based on reports from various data miners, there could be a possible Suicide Squad collaboration in one of Fortnite's future seasons. Although there are no official files that suggest the Peacemaker skin's arrival in Fortnite, rumors suggest that the collaboration could happen when the Peacemaker series releases on HBO Max.

While all of this is still a rumor at this point, fans should feel reassured by the fact that this rumor has been backed by the same person who leaked the Bloodsport collaboration before it was officially announced. Having said that, there is a very high chance of the Peacemaker skin making an appearance in Fortnite.

However, one thing that fans should note is that the Peacemaker collaboration could be standalone outfit with no ties to the Suicide Squad. Given that rumors suggest the collaboration will be with the Peacemaker show, it highly unlikely for any other character from the Suicide Squad to make an appearance with the superhuman soldier.

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