Fortnite Getting a Charge Sniper Rifle, and More

@HYPEX is at it again, this time releasing information about an upcoming Charge Sniper Rifle that Epic is currently working on.

While details are currently limited, there is certainly enough to start getting excited about and, of course, wondering where it may fit into the Fortnite Weapon Tier List.

Fortnite's Charge Sniper

All the information about the Charge Sniper is in the above Tweet by HYPEX.

The Epic/Legendary rifle will do a base 89 body damage and 178 headshot damage.

When charged, the damage will multiply by a currently unknown amount.

There is also no word on when the Charge Sniper Rifle will release, so players will probably not see it until Season 8 or later.

Hopefully, the new Sniper will look amazing and allow players to pull off some truly amazing long-distance shots.

More Weapons On The Way

HYPEX ends their Tweet with a promise that more new weapon information is on the way.

Hopefully, they do not hold on to the information for too long, as new weapons are always something Fortnite players can get excited about.

Who knows, maybe Epic will finally give us some melee weapons in the item pool.

READ MORE: Where To Find An Inflate-a-bull in Fortnite?

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