End of the Line Map Black Ops Cold War LEAK: New Call of Duty Map Glitch

Could an End of the Line inspired map have been discovered in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War?

Or is this just some other weird match glitch?

We aren’t super sure right now, but an End of the Line map would be so freaking awesome!

Because of that, we can’t help but fall into the speculation hype.

So here’s everything we know so far!

End of the Line Multiplayer Map On The Way?

According to @CODColdWarNewz, this is a screenshot from a players game.

👀New map coming soon?This is a bug that loaded a player up into a Combined Arms Domination match and they saw this🤔The other 3 images are from campaign however they’re a part of this map. pic.twitter.com/9EQaus7CE4
— Call of Duty Leaks (@WarzoneNewz) (@CODColdWarNewz)
November 21, 2020

When loading into a game of Combined Arms Domination, a player saw this screen show up on their screen.

expand image

Black Ops Cold War players will recognise End of the Line as the name of a mission from the game’s campaign.

But what does this image mean?

Could an End of the Line inspired map be on the way?

Read More: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Campaign: End Of The Line Mission Walkthrough Veteran Difficulty

According to Season 1 leaks, we could be receiving a few multiplayer maps.

Given how near to the game’s release this Season is, we could be seeing a few based on campaign missions.

If the maps are being tested right now, it could be that a player accidentally loaded part of this test material while loading a regular game.

Though Dune, Mall and Echelon are the leaked map’s names, and none seem to make sense for an End of the Line inspired multiplayer.

Instead, we could be seeing a different kind of glitch.

Perhaps when loading a multiplayer match, the game got confused and decided to show images and text from the Campaign.

At this time, neither seems more likely than the other, so we’ll just take our chance to get hyped up!

What do you think? Let us know!

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