How to Play Dead By Daylight PTB (Player Test Build Server)

Wondering how to access the Dead By Daylight PTB? You won't be the only person since Behaviour Interactive has just revealed the new killer coming to the game with Dead by Daylight Chapter 22.

The latest killer, known as The Artist, is now available on the Public Test Build of the game, along with another new survivor and a new map too.

Unfortunately, the Dead By Daylight PTB isn't available to everyone. But on the bright side, you can activate and deactivate it at any time, experiencing the new content and learning how the new Dead By Daylight mechanics work before they make there way to the full game proper.

If you're intrigued enough to give it a try, read on, we'll explain everything you need to know to get you into the Dead By Daylight PTB in no time.

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How Do You play PTB in Dead By Daylight?

Here's how to activate the PTB in Steam:

  • Sign into your Steam library
  • Right click the Dead By Daylight icon or name
  • Choose "Properties"
  • Select the "Betas" tab
  • Select "public test"
  • It's recommended you restart Steam to refresh the UI after that

No progress made in the PTB carries over to the full version.

Does Dead By Daylight Have A Console PTB Version?

Currently, Behavior doesn't have the PTB up for console players. Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch players will need to make do with the Steam version of the game instead.

How To Opt Out Of Dead By Daylight PTB

Once you're done with playing the Dead By Daylight PTB, just follow the previous steps and choose "none" in the beta drop down menu. Restart Steam again, and you're good to go.

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