Cyberpunk 2077 Gets A New Game Director

As reported by Gi.Biz, CD Projekt has announced Gabriel Amatangelo as Cyberpunk 2077's next game director. While previous game director Adam Badowski has stepped down, he'll remain at CD Projekt to focus on other projects, including the "RED 2.0" transition that's looking to see the studio develop multiple AAA titles at once.

Having joined CD Projekt in January 2020, Amatangelo was previously a creative director for Cyberpunk 2077. Before this, he was a known figure at BioWare, working as design director for Dragon Age: Inquisition's DLC, along lead designer duties on Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Read More: Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.3: Everything We Know So Far

Cyberpunk 2077 Gets A New Game Director

As such, he'll now be tasked with leading Cyberpunk 2077's future expansions and updates, including work on the upcoming Version 1.3 update. Crucially, they hope that will finally be enough to convince Sony to reinstate Cyberpunk 2077 on the PlayStation Store, which remains delisted five months later.

Elsewhere, CD Projekt are facing an uphill battle after Cyberpunk 2077 launched in a practically unfinished state for PS4 and Xbox One users, which has led to a major class-action lawsuit in June. We'll keep you updated as we learn more about the game's future.

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