Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha COUNTDOWN: Everything We Know

The hype surrounding Call of Duty: Vanguard is finally starting to build, much to the excitement of the often-vocal community eagerly awaiting more information surrounding the next instalment in the franchise. Prior to the release of the full game expected in Q4 of 2021, it's likely that there will be opportunities for players to get their hands on Vanguard before it fully releases.

The first chance is expected to be once the alpha releases and although there has been no information on its release, there's a strong possibility of one releasing in the not-too-distant future in order to allow Sledgehammer Games to gather feedback. Find absolutely everything you need to know about the Call of Duty: Vanguard alpha in our dedicated hub!

Read More: Call of Duty: Vanguard: Everything You Need To Know

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Sledgehammer Games Reveals Champion Hill Details - August 27th

Wit a few hours until the Vanguard alpha goes live for PlayStation players, Sledgehammer Games has unveiled some of the new features included. Find a full list of alpha content below:


  • Courtyard
  • Trainyard
  • Market
  • Airstrip


Weapons include a range of assault rifles, LMGs, shotguns, and pistols. Each of them has ten upgrades with each one adding a new attachment.


  • MK2 Frag Grenade
  • No. 69 Stun Grenade
  • Throwing Knife
  • Gammon Bomb impact grenade
  • MK V Gas Grenade
  • S-Mine 44


  • Ghost - Undetectable while moving by Spy Planes, enemy intel, and Field Mics.
  • Survival Training - Maximised resistance to stun effects. Immune to gas.
  • High Alert - Your vision pulses when enemies outside of your view see you.
  • Tracker - Enemies leave behind a footprint trail. See markers at enemy death locations and hide the death markers of enemies you kill.
  • Demolition - Extra lethal on spawn. Thrown lethals display an indicator showing the path of the lethal.
  • Double Time - Doubles the duration of Tactical Sprint. Increases crouch movement speed by 30%.


  • Spy Plane
  • Flamenaut
  • Deathmachine
  • V2 Rocket
  • Extra Life
  • Armour Plate
  • Full Armour

Will The COD Vanguard Alpha Go Live Early? - August 26th

In some cases, the servers for past Call of Duty alphas have gone live a few hours prior to the official starting time. There is a possibility of the Vanguard alpha going live early so keep your eyes peeled on August 27th for a chance to play Champion Hill a bit earlier!

Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha Start Times - August 25th

Wondering when you will be able to play the Vanguard alpha? Check out the start times and end times below!


  • UK: 6pm (BST)
  • Europe: 7pm (CEST)
  • East Coast US: 1pm (EDT)
  • West Coast US: 10am (PDT)


  • UK: 6pm (BST)
  • Europe: 7pm (CEST)
  • East Coast US: 1pm (EDT)
  • West Coast US: 10am (PDT)

Flamethrower Killstreak Included - August 24th

According to the in-game settings within the Vanguard alpha, a Flamethrower will be one of the Killstreaks available to use during a Champion Hill match.

COD Vanguard Alpha Trailer - August 22nd

After confirming an alpha for Vanguard would be taking place, Activision has released the official trailer ahead of its start on August 27th!

How To Pre-load The Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha

The process of pre-loading the alpha so you can get straight into the action is incredibly straightforward. Simply head to the PlayStation Store and search for "Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha," and it will appear.

Select the version you will be playing and begin the download. Once downloaded, you will be able to access the menus but there's no early gameplay happening just yet.

Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha Size

According to @PlaystationSize, the Vanguard alpha will be approximately 20GB in size. As the release date moves closer, it's possible that this may change so do be sure to have enough hard drive space if you want to get your hands on it!

Call of Duty: Vanguard Alpha Reveal

It's currently unclear as to when details on the alpha will be revealed but considering the worldwide reveal is taking place on August 19th, there's every chance that some information will emerge once the event has concluded.

COD Vanguard Alpha Game Modes

World War 2 Soldier Firing SMG
expand image

Based on previous alphas, there will be one or a very small number of different game modes to play. Notable leaker @_Tom_Henderson_ has seemingly revealed details on the sole Alpha game mode that will be known as Champion Hill.

Judging by the details uncovered by Henderson, Champion Hill sounds like a mixture of Control and Survival from Modern Warfare 3. Once the alpha launches, we will get a better idea of what the game mode is all about. Based on that information, the new mode certainly sounds interesting!

COD Vanguard Alpha Weapons

Just like previous alphas, a small selection of weaponry will be available to use. Considering the game is based just after World War 2, we can expect some weapons familiar with Call of Duty titles to feature. Here are just a few that we think will appear:

  • MP40 (SMG)
  • Thompson (SMG)
  • M1 Garand (Assault Rifle)
  • STG 44 (Assault Rifle
  • Kar98K (Sniper/Marksman Rifle)

For more information on Call of Duty: Vanguard, be sure to check out our dedicated hub for all the latest news and information!

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