Leaked Aircraft Loadouts in Battlefield 2042 - Helicopter and Plane Loadouts

A Battlefield 2042 Aircraft shoots flares as it evades a rocket.
Credit: EA DICE

A Battlefield 2042 Aircraft shoots flares as it evades a rocket.
Credit: EA DICE

Battlefield 2042 is going all-out with beloved features from previous games. So, how about the Battlefield 2042 aircraft loadouts? Well, thanks to some leaks, we've got a solid idea of how the aircraft loadouts are going to look in 2042.

Keep tabs on this page too - when we get our hands on Battlefield 2042 we'll put together a nice explainer on all the best Battlefield 2042 helicopter and jet plane loadouts, helping you achieve utter dominance in the skies.

Read More: Battlefield 2042 Specialists: What you need to know

Battlefield 2042 Helicopter and Plane Loadouts

Thanks to dataminer Temporyal, we've seen information regarding the presence of primary weapons, secondary weapons, and abilities available for helicopters and jets. Check out the tweet below.

We'll keep you updated when more info is revealed, either by datamining or by official announcement.

Available vehicles

For your convenience, here's the available vehicles revealed by Temporyal:

  • Jet: F-35E Panther
  • Jet: SU-57 Felon
  • Helicopter: AH-64GX Apache Warchief
  • Helicopter: KA-520 Super Hokum

The Panther and Apache Warchief are American aircraft, whilst the Felon and Super Hokum are Russian.

Apparently there's also an air vehicle called the 'SU70', but we don't know any more about that.

Battlefield 2042 Jet Loadouts

Here are the jet aircraft loadouts you'll have access to according to the datamine:

Primary Weapons:

  • 20mm Minigun
  • 30mm Minigun

Secondary Weapons:

  • Air-to-Air Missiles
  • Air-to-Ground Missiles
  • Homing Missiles


  • Detection Jammer
  • Flares
  • System Repair

Battlefield 2042 Helicopter Loadouts

Here are the chopper loadouts you'll have access to according to the datamine:

Primary Weapons:

  • Autocannon
  • Light Rockets
  • Heavy Rockets
  • Homing Rockets

Secondary Weapons:

  • Tow Missile
  • Air-to-Ground Missile
  • Lock-on Homing Missile


  • Detection Jammer
  • Flares
  • System Repair


  • 30mm Cannon

Of course, this is all subject to change! Once the Battlefield 2042 beta drops we'll have much more info for you, along with the best loadouts to use for your jets and choppers.

In the meantime, why not have a look at our interview with a Battlefield 2042 cheat maker, or details on the best Battlefield 2042 guns to grab when you finally get your hands on the game.

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