"He's Getting KP And Just Camping Out" - ImperialHal On NICKMERCS Apex Legends playstyle

Philip 'ImperialHal' Dosen was asked about Nicholas 'NICKMERCS' Kolcheff's playstyle in Apex Legends. Whenever a pro critiques your work, it's a good thing, but sometimes they can be brutally honest. NICKMERCS' biggest fault, ImperialHal said, is that he's not aggressive enough and holds back too much.

I've watched NICKMERCS streams, and after a loss, he usually says he needs his team to be more aggressive. It's just easy to fall back on a game plan that emphasizes defense over offense. However, a more campy strategy will not work when players are familiar with the terrain or even know how to handle those situations.

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ImperialHal answered a question about NICKMERCS, and he went into great detail about what's hurting the Apex Legends strategy of NICKMERCS.

Here is his quote, but he makes an important point we have discussed before:

"He needs to have a balance because I feel right now how Nick is playing that he needs to push a lot more. Because right now he's like just getting KP and just camping out… In situations like that, if you have a good team pushing you, you're just gonna get rolled. Because you don't know how to fight back you just can't fight back… It's up to him how he's gonna play, but I think he should play a lot more aggressively."

Nick encounters this exact situation so often. In fact, he even ended up in a no-win scenario due to his lack of aggression toward the number one predator. Nick doesn't push when he doesn't have to, which hurts his team.

Read more: NICKMERCS Tries To Take On The #1 Predator In Apex Legends

All FPS players should take note of this advice. Too much of one thing will always hurt you. It would be best if you had balance. To be balanced in Apex Legends, you need everyone pushing when they have to.

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