Apex Legends Season 6: Developers Plan To Update L-Star In The Future

Apex Legends’ Aftermarket event has brought with it some much needed nerfs.

The Devotion and Spitfire weapons have received a couple of tweaks, including having their hipfire spread increased to match other LMGs.

These changes were very much a good thing, the weapons have been wreaking havoc in Season 6.

Though with these changes, why was Season 6’s other LMG the L-Star missed out in this patch?

Why Was The L-Star Not Patched In Aftermarket?

If you have used the Devotion or SPitfire this season, you know why the changes had to come.

Both weapons had a pretty brutal hipfire, and this accuracy drop will certainly have an impact on this.

They will likely still be powerful in close combat situations, but in longer-range fights you might find other alternatives as the way to go.

The L-Star was likely missed out in this recent patch because it isn’t quite a normal LMG.

Read More: Apex Legends Season 6: Pathfinder Rework In Aftermarket Event Inspired By Reddit Post

As pointed out by David Bocek (/u/AmusedApricot) on Reddit. “The L-Star is sorta a weird gun.”

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Bocek goes onto explain further why this simple recoil adjustments for the other LMGs wouldn’t work for the L-Star.

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Respawn definitely have their work cut out for them!

When Will The L-Star Be Patched

Because of how the L-Star incorporates an overheat mechanic, it isn’t like a lot of other Apex Legends weapons.

This could mean that an update will take a little bit longer, as Respawn try tweaking lots of different options to balance the gun.

It’s probable that we will see an update in Season 7, either when it arrives or sometime during it.

We’ll just have to wait and see, and we will let you know when we know!

What do you think of the LMG changes? Does the L-Star need fixing too? Let us know!

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