Apex Legends Black Friday 2020: Black Friday Bundles LEAK

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Black Friday, the biggest discount shopping day of the year is almost upon us!

While Covid-19 restrictions in parts of the world will limit in-person deal hunting, shopping online will definitely be a go-to option for any hoping to snag a deal!

And Apex Legends is ready to take our money, at least according to leaked bundles!

Apex Legends Black Friday Bundle Leaks

According to @Biast12 on Twitter, the person who seems to leak everything about Apex Legends, there will be a few bundles for players to enjoy!

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Specifically, there are 5 with the names and descriptions:

  • Jester Bundle
  • Legendary Hunt Bundle
  • Legendary Pack Bundle
  • 50-pack Bundle
  • 25-Pack Bundle

Beyond these very little else is known at the moment but we have some ideas.

One thing we know for sure is that they will all launch on November 24, which makes sense given Black Friday is November 27.

Black Friday Bundle Contents

Now we get more into speculation, but what else do you expect?

Jester is likely referring to the weapon skins, and we could see a Legend skin thrown into the bundle too!

In-universe, Jester was a character from Titanfall 2, who looks a lot like Pathfinder, so maybe he will get a new skin!

The Legendary Hunt Bundle makes us think of the old event, Legendary Hunt from back in Season 1.

So we can expect to see those cosmetics, the Wraith and Bloodhound skins rereleasing for newer fans to enjoy!

The Legendary Pack Bundle will probably include some Apex Packs which are guaranteed to give Legendaries.

They will probably be random but could be a way to fill out your library of cosmetics.

The final two bundles are likely going to contain 25 and 50 Apex Packs respectively, almost certainly at a discount!

Black Friday Bundle Prices

We don’t yet know the prices for any other the bundles, but we’ll keep you updated!

Given the Black Friday connection, we expect some discounts, if not a hefty discount!

Until we know, let’s just get excited!

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