Rumour - Star Wars: Eclipse Will Be Open-World, Multiplayer Planned

Star Wars: Eclipse reportedly takes inspiration from The Last of Us and Jedi: Fallen Order. After reports emerged that it may not release until 2026, new details have surfaced, this time from a leaker who previously revealed Eclipse imagery before its reveal.

According to AccountNGT, Star Wars: Eclipse is being developed by both Quantic Dream Montreal and Quantic Dream Paris. Reportedly, the Montreal team is working on the open-world game's prototype, as well as its "multiplayer, gameplay and level design aspects." As for Paris team, they're handling Eclipse's "cinematics, story, level art, engine..."

Rumour - Star Wars: Eclipse Will Be Open-World, Multiplayer Planned

As for Eclipse's inspirations, the game features a mix of "traditional action gameplay" like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and "a mix of story and gameplay" like The Last Of Us. It was also specified that Eclipse is having a "complicated" development, where its story is "non-linear" and is "still being written."

For now, none of this his officially confirmed by Quantic Dream and Lucasarts, so take this with a grain of salt as plenty can change during development. Make sure to follow us for more gaming news and updates as it happens.

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