Unpacking Sold 100,000 Copies After 10 Days

Puzzle and indie game Unpacking released last month, becoming a quiet hit across social media. Now, the developers, Witch Beam Games, has confirmed that the game sold over 100,000 units across all platforms worldwide, just 10 days after launching.

As spotted by Nintendo Life, Witch Beam shared this news via Twitter, thanking the fans who supported the game since it released on November 2nd. For the unfamiliar, there's a simple premise within, where players unpack items to set up the various houses, apartments, rooms, and more.

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Unpacking Sold 100,000 Copies After 10 Days

Unpacking's official description on Steam reads as:

"Unpacking is a zen puzzle game about the familiar experience of pulling possessions out of boxes and fitting them into a new home. Part block-fitting puzzle, part home decoration, you are invited to create a satisfying living space while learning clues about the life you’re unpacking."

Unpacking is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, PC, and on Xbox Game Pass. Make sure to follow us for more gaming news and updates as it happens.

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