Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 actor seemingly leaks campaign spoiler

Call of Duty Gaz wearing hat and Captain Price pointing gun at ground with dark background
Credit: Activision

Call of Duty Gaz wearing hat and Captain Price pointing gun at ground with dark background
Credit: Activision

Throughout the years, the Call of Duty series has enlisted the services of a number of actors to play the roles of its various heroes and villains. For Modern Warfare 3, several familiar talents are returning to reprise their roles in the game's single-player campaign.

Following the reveal of an iconic villain, players are sharing their hopes for Sledgehammer Games' latest project, while the rumour mill continues to churn thanks to potential leaked information on the Perks that could feature in its multiplayer modes.

The latest possible leak that's got players talking comes from an actor that's set to play one of the game's main characters, who has seemigly claimed that the upcoming Call of Duty storyline will feature a number of emotionally-charged deaths.

Call of Duty actor leaks Modern Warfare 3 spoilers

As spotted by notable Call of Duty leaker 3rbbcod, actor Elliot Knight has seemingly teased the Modern Warfare 3 campaign contains three deaths. Knight, who plays Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, posted: "Let me tell you something, 2 sad deaths and 1 good death."

Although Knight doesn't specify which characters could be meeting their demise in the game, players are already theorising about what could potentially happen in the sequel to 2022's Modern Warfare 2. One speculated: "Gaz and Alejandro (could die), and Makarov or Shepherd (could) die."

Another said: "Oh no no no Soap," suggesting they think that the Modern Warfare staple might be one of the characters in the firing line.

So far, little is known about what the Modern Warfare 3 campaign has in store. Makarov's reveal trailer has teased the return of a legendary Warzone map, but there's no intel on how the story will play out.

As with all leaks, it's important to take this with a pinch of salt until Activision shares more information about Call of Duty's next single-player story.

For more Call of Duty, take a look at our guides showcasing the rumoured gun list and everything there is to know about the in-game reveal.

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